Saturday, September 2, 2006


Let It Go....

If you are holding on to something

that doesn't belong to you and

was never intended for your life,

then you need to.....Let ItGo!!!

If you are holding on to part hurts and pain.....

Let It Go!!!

If someone can't treat you right,

love you back, see your worth.....

Let It Go!!! (Please!!!!!)

If someone has angered you.....

Let It Go!!!

If you are holding on to some thoughts

of evil and revenge.....Let ItGo!!!

If you are involved in a wrong

relationship or addiction.

Let It Go!!!

If you are holding on to a job

that no longer meets your needs or talents.....

Let It Go!!!

If you have a bad attitude......

Let It Go!!!

If you keep judging others

to make yourself feel better.....

Let It Go!!!

If you're stuck in the past

and God is trying to take

you to a new level in Him.....

Let It Go!!!

If you are struggling with the healing

 of a broken relationship.....

Let It Go!!!

If you keep trying to help someone

who won't even try to help themselves.....

Let It Go!!!

If you are feeling stressed and depressed.....

Let It Go!!!

If there is a particular situation

that you are so used to handling

and God is saying, "take your hands off of it,"

then you need to..... Let It Go!!!

Let the past be the past.

Forget the former things.

God is doing a new thing....

Let It Go!!!

Author unknown


I did get to sleep in a little this morning. I got up at 6:30 because I couldn’t sleep any longer. It’s still dark out at this time of day where just a few short weeks ago it was daylight already.

Yesterday I got about 1/3 of my weekend list done and even managed grocery shopping too. I hope to get another third done today!

It’s very cool here. Unusual for the beginning of September. Today they say we’ll reach a high of 67 degrees . It’s too early in the season to stay this cool, so we’ll probably be warming up again after this frontal system gets by. I think our weather is affected by the hurricane/tropical storm going along the eastern coast of the US too.

Anyway it’s putting me in the mood for fall .

Thought for Today

Every morning, when you wake up,

set your dial to 'worthwhile'.

John Ortiz

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart



Anonymous said...

Strange day here today as well. Yesterday it was sunny warm, not to say humid and last night was very warm.  This morning, cold, strong winds, showery rain.

Anonymous said...

I LOVE The temps like this yes sixties for us I m ready for cool temps like this now.

Anonymous said...

I love your top of the entry. Let it go. It's so true. Hope you got all  your errands done and can enjoy the long weekend.