Friday, September 15, 2006


A conductor was rehearsing his great orchestra. The organ was rolling, giving beautiful melody. The drums were thundering. The trumpets were blaring out. The violins were singing beautifully.

Suddenly something seemed wrong. Someone in the orchestra had thought, With all this going on, I can rest a while. This is a rehearsal anyway.

The conductor threw up his arms and said, "Where's the piccolo?" The piccolo player said, "I'm obscure. I don't amount to much. With all of this going on, I don't have to keep playing."

But the one with the trained ear said, "Every one of us is necessary." When you and I feel obscure, we must remember God has something significant for our lives, and we need to respond.

Gordon Johnson, "Finding Significance in Obscurity,"

Good Morning !

As I was driving home from work yesterday I saw a few insignifant ordinary things that brightened the horizon.

1. a golden field of soybeans,

2. ragweed growing along side the road

3. A field of sunflowers

4. a few dandelions growing in someone’s yard.

These 4 things might seem ordinary, but on a gloomy rainy evening they were outstanding and stood out like a candle in the dark.

I guess I was reminded that in my seemingly dull life there are things I do that might be significant to someone too ! So, as I go off today I’m going to SMILE and do my daily tasks like they were important and maybe, just maybe, they will be to someone.

It’s Friday and for the first time this week the sun is supposed to shine ! What more could we ask for ?

Thought for Today

If miracles had happened in the Bible and had not happened since, then God has changed his way of running the world.

 Harry Emerson Fosdick 

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

ah been feeling very much like the picalo lately

Anonymous said...

It is the little things in life we normally take for granted or ignore that can mean so much and help to brighten our lives.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful imagery of the golden yellows radiating out of the gloomy dark. Sounds beautiful. Like the candle in the window welcoming you home. I wonder how many of us have become welcoming candles to others in our lives. Everything we do matters to someone and the smallest thing could be of great signifcance in the life of someone else.

Anonymous said...

a field of sunflowers, I can just picture it...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

love this entry, everyone is wanted or needed in some way. Have a great day and smile.