Sunday, September 3, 2006


Success is ....

speaking words of praise,

In cheering other people's ways,

In doing just the best you can

With every task and every plan.

It's silence when your speech would hurt,

Politeness wh en your neighbor's curt,

It's deafness when the scandal flows,

And sympathy with other's woes.

It's loyalty when duty calls,

It's courage when disaster falls,

It's patience when the hours are long,

It's found in laughter and in song,

It's in the silent time of prayer,

In happiness and in despair,

In all of life and nothing less,

We find the thing we call success. 

Author Unknown


This is visit the campers day ! After church this morning I’ll be heading out with my two dulcimer buddies. We are hoping for a dry day. Most of Saturday was wet.

I worked around the house yesterday and did laundry… Up and down the stairs all day long, so today I’m glad to have a day to take it easy.

Tomorrow, the good Lord willing, I will labor some more around here, I still have another third of my list to get done. Sad to say time is not allowing for me to do any painting. That will have to wait til another weekend.

I’ll be praying for all of you today !

Remember to take time to bless your spirit – we all need it.


Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?

Rose Kennedy

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

Have a great day with your buddies and the campers!
I see you are enjoying your new washing machine...
OK I'm suppossed to be getting ready, lol, not going to be in the car quite at 8am...
Have a blessed Sunday!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

well you have a good time with your friends. Your list can wait it will still be there. LOL.

Anonymous said...

a guy this morning stood up talked his version of success was not wiasting a day doing a job that was already done but GODS was that he sepnt the dya with his sons teaching them what to do and that was success.

Anonymous said...

This weekend's going by fast....but still only a 4 day work week ahead.