Wednesday, September 27, 2006


If summer is a symphony,

September is a minuet.

Though September plays

host to summer's end.

There is a delicacy

as the first leaf falls gracefully

From a tree.

There is a quietude in our spirits

As twilight descends

ever so much earlier.

We remember

we picked up our books

And returned to school.

We recall how lovely it was

To walk in the late afternoon

Surrounded by such beauty,

Of autumn's splendor.

And the first time we needed that

Gorgeous sweater.

And we gather in

During this golden time

To our private places,

And to our ultimate thoughts.

We seek our joys by the fireplace,

Rekindled after its summer rest.

And gather in the beauty

And treasure every moment

Of this golden time of year!

Author Unknown.


We are having some golden September days here. October is just around the corner and I guess September wants us to remember just how nice she was.

I went shopping on my lunch hour yesterday and got two much needed purchases.

1. a 3 step ladder with a handle at the top to hold on to.

2. a ceramic electric heater.

I had a little step ladder in the kitchen, but every time I got to the top of it I felt a little dizzy without anything to hold on to. And with the cold weather imminent, I thought this little heater would be just the thing to keep me cozy and keep the gas bill lower. There is no need to keep the whole house warm, I just need warmth in the places that I’m in.

I will keep the thermostat at 65, but that’s pretty chilly in my drafty old house when the North winds start to blow. I still need to get a new humidifier, because I know it will feel warmer inside if the humidity is a little higher. I’ll find one on another shopping trip I’m sure.

I love going to places like, Big Lots, and A.J.Wright where the prices are much lower. Of course you never know what they may or may not have, but it’s fun looking and I get some exercise walking around .I just eat my lunch that I bring from home later on at my desk.

It’s Over the Hump day for me – mid way through the work week ! Only 2 more days and the weekend will be here again !


Have patience.

All things change in due time.

Wishing cannot bring autumn glory

or cause winter to cease.

by Ginaly-li, Cherokee

I hope your day is blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

I have alwyas kept a bottle of water or pans of water on the water heater and places near the heat vents. Its an old trick to add moisture to the house.

Anonymous said...

OH yes another one in hte winter is to take the dryer hose out of the wall and put a pair of old panty hose onthe end to catch the lint and let the damp air from the clothes that are drying into yoru house and that helps alot and is also a source of heat. your using it anyway. So might as welll benefit from it. I clean or change the dryer hose as often as needed.

Anonymous said...

the heater is a good idea. It cost to much money for the gas bill anyone. Sept. those last few days have been so beautiful. Now, I know we are going to head into some colder weather. Hope you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Summer did not depart willingly, but has gone. The Fall season has already begun covering summer's tracks, with falling leaves, colder temperatures, and people buying wood, whipped cream for their hot chocolate, and checking out sales for the holidays. Love the thought for the day.
Love & prayers..

Anonymous said...

Your always so cheerfull!!! I like your clip art. Have a great hump day..Christine