Friday, September 1, 2006


I give to you

A fire to light inside your heart,

To feel the warm embers glow.

A piece of the sun’s warm rays,

To bask in its fiery show.

I give to you

A piece of a rainbow to color your world,

When it seems totally gray.

Some roses for the sweet perfume

To kiss your senses with its bouquet.

I give to you

A sprinkling of some twinkling stars,

To wish upon at night.

The morning dew to kiss the day

To bask in its delight.

I give to you

A summer’s breeze to caress your face,

To show that someone cares.

The sweet song of the nightingale,

To remind you that I’m always there.

I give to you

My lasting friendship, always true.

A gift of love to hold inside

Whenever you feel blue,

Or just because you need a friend.

I give to you

This friend…

That will always be there

For you!

Author Unknown

Good Morning !

Day one of my 4 day weekend is now here. As usual I’ve got lots planned. # 1 for today is the delivery of my new washer and of course then I can do laundry!

I always put away some of my summer clothing on this weekend and take out some fall stuff. I also have put on some weight, so I’m going to take all the stuff I didn’t wear all summer and put it in a special bag to give away.

Next on the list will be some fall decorating. I always change the porch flag around for the season. For now I think I have one with some apples on it. It is truly apple season here. I’ll switch around the table cloths and put up some pumpkins and fall flowers around the house.

Of course I need to switch to my September purse also !

If I get any further than all that I plan to do some painting and enter some more recipes in my cookbook for the babes Christmas gift.

I think that is all on the list – any more than that and I know I won’t make a dent in it.

It’s grand having a vacation day to catch up a little.


The truth is that the world's demands are infinite and your time is not. Things will always be left undone. Just make sure they aren't the things that matter the most.

Martha Beck

We ask the Lord to help us choose wisely between what needs to be done and what needs to be dropped.

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

I alwys love thos e flags but never have one around my ouse but yes I changed my candles out yesterday aplle time

Anonymous said...

you sure did find the perfect September purse.....  hope your day goes as planned. I think I will look for my fall tablecloth too and a fall wreath for my door. before you know it it will be time to decorate for Christmas again won't it... Sandra

Anonymous said...

That September purse,is lovely, that is one I would definitely like to have have for myself.  I wish we decorated for Autumn (fall) over here, I so like to see it but it is just not something we do.  Maybe it will catch on one day.

Anonymous said...

I was just going to feel sorry for myself because I don't have the time to do those "season" change outs like you do when I read your thought for today.  The truth is I need to prioritize.  I need to seek that wisdom about the things I do.  Thank You