Wednesday, September 20, 2006


An angel was sent down

from heaven one day to visit a child

who had nothing to say.

Now this young child was poor

- great wealth she did lack,

but she always was happy

in spite of the fact.

Until one day it happened

- her best friend went away

and it left her heartbroken

with nothing to say.

Now the task of the angel

was a great one indeed,

to give hope to a heart

that was so much in need.

And though great riches and power

were at the angel's command

- he sent a lost kitten

and the healing began.

The girl cheered the kitten

as he tracked down a snail

and she started to giggle

when he chased his own tail.

Then without any warning

the girl whose heart broke

found some reason for saying

these words that she spoke -

"I love you little kitten

- I hope you will stay!

We will always be friends

and together we’ll play."

Now the little girl was happy

though she still remained poor,

for she had a new friend

someone to care for.

You see riches and power

are fine things indeed

but for a broken heart

that is not what you need.

The angel was wise

for he knew in the end

how to mend a broken heart

with the touch of a friend.

Author Unknown

Good Morning !

My angel must have thought I’d be lonely in this old house of mine so I’ve been blessed with lots of critters here. I’m now down to 1 aging beagle, two ‘old lady’ cats, and one dirty old bird.

We’re all about the same age here, if you count their ages in animal years. There is always someone, beit cat or dog or bird , that needs attention here. I supposed I’d really be bored with out them.

As I go off to work each day I often wish that I could have their ‘good life’ . Sleeping on cushy pillows, and just holding the fort down til ‘Ma’ gets home again.


Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear... all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Leo Buscaglia

I hope your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe you will be able to retire one day soon and have lots home projects to do