Monday, September 25, 2006


Happy we who can bask

in this warm September sun,

which illumines all creatures,

as well when they rest as when they toil,

not without a feeling of gratitude;

whose life is as blameless,

how blameworthy soever it may be,

on the Lord’s Mona-day as on his Suna-day.

Henry David Thoreau, 1817-1862


As you can see I had a wonderful Sunday. After church we headed out to the Museum and I was thankful that I got to go. The Maltz Jewish Museum is just about 45 minutes from home so the ride wasn’t bad at all.

They had a traveling exhibit called the Cradle of Christianity there and I was so thirilled that I actually got to see a piece of one of the Dead Sea Scrolls They wouldn’t let us take pictures inside , so I bought one of their books. Some time I hope to scan in some of the pictures so you can see them too !

We also visited the Jewish Museum itself and what a lot of history that had. Of course we enjoyed lunch and dinner out too and both those meals were delicious.

I was tired but happy when I got home and it was too late to do much, but I had most things ready for the new work week ahead ,so that was ok.

What a fast weekend !. I owe , I owe , so it’s off to work I go !

Thought for Today

Seasons come and go and

with them comes the thought

Of all the various changes

that time in its flight has brought.

But one thing never changes,

it remains the same forever,

God truly loves His children

and He will forsake them never!

Helen Steiner Rice

My hope is that your day is blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




Anonymous said...

loved the pics you were able to share. we dont have a friendlys here. never heard of that other resturant. sounds like you had a fine time. wisht heyd have let you take pics. I always love to catch pics of deers. Our rain started wee hours Friday adn stopped yesterday morning fianally

Anonymous said...

Glad that you had a wonderful day out, the museum sounds very interesting. Glad the food was good and those horses outside are wonderful

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the pictures. It looks like you had a very nice day and wasn't it great that it only rained when you were inside...:)Sandra

Anonymous said...

This was a fast weekend!!!
What a great time you had, lunch and dinner out and leftovers too... lol...
Have a great week!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Your Journal is so uplifting and positive. I like that . I tend to write all my stress in my journal. I have to get it out somewhere so I dont go crazy, but I love reading your journal. Hope you can stop by mine. I could use your positive vibe..
Love Christine