Saturday, February 11, 2006



A little story for you today !


One spring morning I was walking along a path in the woods near my home. Suddenly a rabbit bound across the path. This rabbit looked a bit roughed up; its fur was sparse and uneven. As I stepped closer, the rabbit casually hopped to a grove of small trees a few yards away.

As I resumed my walk, a slight movement in the grass caught my eye. Stooping down, I saw four tiny creatures in a clump of grass. They were rabbit kits. Only two and a half inches long, hairless, and blind, they were totally helpless. Their nest had been dug down into the earth. Leaves and grass had been arranged to form a camouflaged home.

But the most striking feature was that the inside of the nest had been completely lined with fur--rabbit fur. Then it hit me. That scraggy-furred rabbit I had just seen was the mother of this precious litter. Not only had she carried her young through pregnancy, endured labor and delivery pains, prepared a nest, and patiently nursed and protected them to this point, she had also given of herself.

Painfully, she had pulled out great clumps of fur to line the nest, thus providing a soft, warm environment for her fragile kits.

author unknown


Way back in time (BC) before I had children, I was often told how lucky I was not to have them. That seemed like a very strange thought to me. When I had my children I was so happy and thankful for them. Sure there was a lot of work to do and lots of sleepless nights when the babies cried and didn’t feel well, but I think they were all worth the little bit of inconvenience I had. My days were full of love and I never wondered what I’d do next.

It’s house blessing day and as usual there is a lot to do around here. I don’t really even want to start…maybe I’ll just forget it today and do something fun instead. Until I can make up my mind what it is that I want to do, I guess I’ll just catch up on journal reading and web searching. One of the blessings or curses (depending on how you look at it ) of living alone is that you can do what you want and if things don’t get done, there is no one to blame but yourself.


I’m just thankful the weekend is here and for two days I don’t have to rush out the door early in the morning and go to work. By Sunday afternoon I’ll probably even start to feel human again.

With a smile on my face and sunshine in my heart ,


thought for today

Don’t cry because it’s over, SMILE because it happened..


Anonymous said...

We have lots of snow here and its pretty whtie flyffy snow. Yeah I guess really you dont have to do household chorse but sure is nice to have it done and see the product of it

Anonymous said...

Well, you take time off if you want to. Housework will always be waiting.  Yes, I have bred rabbits in the past and the mothers do pull out their fur to build a nest.  Nature is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

whatever you choose to do today, I know it will be a good one :)


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your day whatever you decide!!
I'm off to make oven fried chicken....
Linda :)