Wednesday, February 22, 2006



Take the Time

Why don't people stop and think

Why don't they ever see...

That one of life's most perfect gifts

Is theirs each day, for free?

Take the time to watch a sunset

Or walk through a summer shower

There's nothing so important

That it cannot wait an hour...

Take the time to say a prayer

Make love or make a friend,

Play with children, read a book

The learning shouldn't end.

Take time to say "I'm sorry"

And learn how to forgive.

Let justice, love and loyalty

Dictate the way you live.

Take the time and use it well

Or one day when you wake;

You'll find that when you need it most

There's no time left to take!!

Author Unknown


I’m always taking the time to try and find poems quotes and little stories to add a little inspiration to each day and lately I’ve had a tough time finding new things, so if I repeat myself, please forgive me.


Mid week has arrived and today I’ll be continuing my Spring Cleaning at the office. It’s also payroll day, but since most of our men have been laid off since the 1st week in January, that is an easy job to do.

It’s supposed to warm up even more today – to 40 degree temps, but they are already predicting a cold weekend.

I hope your day is blessed with a few smiles and a little sunshine to warm your heart


Nobody needs a smile so much as the one who has none to give. So get used to smiling heart-warming smiles, and you will spread sunshine in a sometimes dreary world.

Lawrence G. Lovasik


Robin graphics by:  


Anonymous said...

Its hard to take time to stop and smell the roeses now days seems like life over takes you. I am finally recovering from my pc switch over though trying to recover some lost things. But Im back in working order.

Anonymous said...

Good morning.  Over the Hump day, as you say.  Hope you have a good day today.  I woke up feeling energetic myself and hope that lasts.  I got a lot done yesterday despite its busyness.  Hope today goes well too.
I love that poem you have today.

Anonymous said...

Have fun spring cleaning! enjoy the day


Anonymous said...

It's really fine to repeat the inspirations you post. We need reminders and I know I like to hear things over and over, so they sink in. I hope your Spring cleaning goes well.
Angela : )

Anonymous said...

I love the robins, the nests and the blue eggs. Spring is coming ! Not to worry about repeating poems etc. They are all lovely and very thought provoking and well worth a repeat. I sure love your "purse of the month" idea. What a great spirit lifter. Must be lots of fun shopping for just the right one for the month coming up. Good luck with the spring cleaning at work --- now I have to ask you, when you finish there, would you come and do mine ?

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking the other day while reading your newsletter that there is something new everyday and never see any repeats... Lol....
Linda :)