Monday, September 15, 2008

Autumn is a reminder

that each of us in beautiful

in our uniqueness

A garden that never died eventually would weary. Robbed of springtime, unacquainted with the extraordinary perfume that rises from the soil after it’s had its rest, the garden that winter doesn’t visit is a dull place. The return every spring of earth’s first freshness would never be kept if not for the frosts and rot and ripe deaths of fall.

So when I go out from the garden for the last time in autumn, I leave the gate open behind me.

Michael Pollan

Do we need to be doing something important all the time? Do we always need to be accomplishing something? I think not. I think we're like the fields and the gardens--we need our rest if we're to continue to work at our best. Just like flowers, we can share our beauty more strongly if we've rested ourselves for a while, and then other people benefit from our taking care of ourselves.


All is very quiet here this morning. That means the storm has passed by here. I’ll see today what all that wind did in our area. We got some more rain too overnight.

Today will be a busy day at work for me. That is always a good thing. It’s a brand new week and a brand new day. It will be a great one I’m sure.


Consider the warm golden glow of sunlight as it falls upon autumn leaves. Let the thought of such unassuming beauty bring peace into your heart

Your life is more than making judgments and accumulating trophies. Let yourself remember how truly magnificent it is to simply be alive and aware Let your heart be filled with the richness that is your life. For the more you touch it, the greater that richness will grow.

Ralph Marston

Fall wishes for

Simple pleasures

Beautiful memories

Love in your heart

Happy reflections

And much to be thankful for always,






Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wondeful day at work...
Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

I am glad the storm has passed you by ~ hope there isn't too much damage in your area ~ Hope your day at work goes well and you have a good rest of the week ahead of you ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Glad the storm has passed by and, as Jan said, did not do too much damage.  Yes, I think we do push ourselves too hard sometimes.  I managed to sit in the garden yesterday, just sitting and looking, feeling the sun and the breeze.  It did me good.  Alas, too chilly today.  Hope your day and your week goes well.

Anonymous said...

enjoy your day

Anonymous said...

just a beautiful entry today! filled with so much wisdom about the autumns of our lives and taking time to rest, to pause, to reflect; thanks for sharing it all!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your week--I hope you didn't get too much damage from that crazy storm!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that the storm has passed!  I hope you didn't sustain any damage.  I hope you have a good week!


Anonymous said...

Glad that your storm has passed. :) Winter is not too far off, is it? I am just not going think about it until it gets here! lol Hope your day goes well. Blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

Glad the storm passed! We had a tornado touch down 2 blocks from this apartment on was scary. It dropped down and tore some things up and then back up it went and was on it's is simply amazing to me.

I love Autumn, it is such a warm time in my soul.

Love & Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hope Autumn will avoid us for just a little bit longer :o)

Anonymous said...

Hope your week is a good one.  Leaves are slowly turning here, cooler weather is on the way.

Anonymous said...

Well another break I have had and doing catch up once again.Yes the storms have been a real worry for all in USA.I pray they will all soon subside for peopel in there path.Very much cooler here now int he mornigns and evenings.Fall as you say surely is on the way.Thank godness most of the shrubs in my garden are evergreens no leaf sweeping for me this year.Beauty is all around us every day no matter what season and lets enjoy whatever the Good Lord sends us.I hope your Tuesday is a good one for you with a little sunshine peaking through those glorious autumn leaves which are falling.Safe journeys  to work and home again.Good to be back reading your wonderful postings.Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand