Monday, February 4, 2008



God loves us all so much.

He created this glorious world for us to live in,

to grow in, to learn in, and to love in.

Take the time to enjoy it, cherish it, and care for it.

Take the time to walk in the woods, swim in the ocean,

and look up at the stars. Take the time to feel God’s

love flowing through it all and through yourself as well.

Joseph J. Mazzella


I hope you all had a great weekend.

I really got a lot of rest so I should be ready for the new work week ahead. I really think I need to get more sleep during the week.

It seems that a few extra hours on the weekend make a lot of difference. I usually head up for bed around 9:00 and then by the time I’ve read a little it’s usually about 10 when I’m asleep.

Starting this week I’m going up about 8:00 and see if that doesn’t help. I know I could just hibernate for the winter and I’d be fine, but there is no chance of that so I’ll try for some extra sleep.

It is raining here this morning and just above the freezing mark, so that is good as at least there won't be any ice to deal with.

I'm off to work as usual...


In a full heart there is room for everything and in an empty heart there is room for nothing.

Antonio Porchia

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES

and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




graphics by:






Anonymous said...

First let me say thankyou for your kind words and prayers today in your comment..I sure need some just now.The weather here is sunny at the moment,though no warmth in it at all,very bitter once more.Still it does brighten the day that little bit of sunshine..Its much better than the dark clouds, one of which  seems to be hanging over my head of late.I do try each day to do as your posting says this morning,I feel sure if one can sleep more ,it does make us feel more refreshed,but I am afraid, I am the worlds worst sleeper.I hope you have a nice quiet day at work and get a few smiles along the way and some sunshine to warm your heart too.Take Care Safe journeys home and I hope you have a very restfull night.God Bless Kath astoriasand

Anonymous said...

Yes I think you can cope with most things if you get enough sleep ,I always read before going to sleep too Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I need to get myself to bed earlier also.  I usually don't make it to sleep till around 11.  That is way to late when i have to get up at 4:45!  Linda

Anonymous said...

Hope you can get some of that much needed sleep we all need so much ~ I always enjoy reading your entries ~ Ally x

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I'm in bed by 7:30 so I can relax and be sleeping by 9pm. I love to sleep! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean.  I need more sleep also.


Anonymous said...

Hope your day was the same...smiles and sunshine.  Hugs and love,

Anonymous said...

That is a really cute graphic. My friend would love that because she collects them. I laid down this afternoon for 1 hour or don't think I could have made the day. So tired after the hours up with my step dad. I think as we get a little older we need a little more sleep. Glad you won't have to deal with ice!! I am beginning to learn that about one's heart. lol Have a wonderful week and hope you don't get any ice. Blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

I'm glad hubby is home earlier in the evening now, but it is cutting into my sleep time, lol....
Have a great Tuesday!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you are getting more sleep in these days.  Is it helping to go to bed early?
Take care.