Friday, February 22, 2008


"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.

A.A. Milne

Hear Your Inner Voice ...

If you take a step and it feels good, you must be headed in the right direction. We need to measure our progress against an inner compass, using our feelings, our comfort level, and our knowledge of ourselves as the ultimate guide...

If you take the time and really listen, it may say something like... happiness is as simple as having something to look forward to in the morning...

It says, in a low murmur, you may have to strain to hear.. listen closely...

that now is the time to have fun.


I WANT to be happy

Is an often repeated phrase

People who say it, Get exactly what they’re asking for.

They live in the ‘want’ of happiness.

Choose to SHARE happiness today!



I can share my happiness with you today and it comes from the heart too ! I absolutely love FRIDAYS! I can celebrate that with the good Lords help, I made it through another work week and what a cold and bitter one it was. I just didn’t want to leave the house at all !

I know I could go out and start the car 15 minutes earlier than when I leave the house, but with the cost of gas, I really don’t want to waste it… then again, maybe I’d feel better….

I read the quote below and churckled because it could so very easily be me:

This is my "depressed stance." When you're depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you stand. The worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high because then you'll start to feel better. If you're going to get any joy out of being depressed, you've got to stand like this.

Charlie Brown

Well today I’m not having any of that stance at all …I’m standing straight up with my head held high and saying IT’S FRIDAY


Blessed is the person who can enjoy the small things,

the common beauties, the little day-to-day events;

 sunshine on the fields, birds on the bough, breakfast, dinner,

supper, the daily paper on the porch, a friend passing by.

So many people who go afield for enjoyment leave

it behind them at home.

David Grayson, American writer

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of

SUNSHINE  to warm your heart !





Anonymous said...

You did it again!  Lifted my spirits, that is. Thank you . Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your Friday...and I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Stay warm and safe. Be careful in the snow and cold.

Anonymous said...

Glad it is Friday for you. Sure you look so forward to the weekends. I have even felt like not leaving the house. Winter is hard for me to bear... I hurt when freezing. lol Hope you get a warmer day soon. Blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

love the Charlie Brown quote-I think I'll tape that to my bathroom mirror so I remember and so my children learn to live it! Thanks again...inspiring as always...

Anonymous said...

Great Charlie Brown joke ,if it feels right do it is my motto ,So pleased your work week is done again .love Jan xx