Friday, February 1, 2008


The Angel of February is an angel of patience.

During the dark blustery nights of February when nature is in a deep chill and we long for a sign of warmth and life, this angel can help us learn to wait with grace the first signs of spring.

February's angel teaches us that winter has its own special peace, that being snowbound or staying indoors can give us a welcome reprise from the busyness of life.

In February we can complete the unfinished projects and prepare for new initiatives in the spring.

The Angel of February brings us the gift of patience, helping us to enjoy the solitude and quiet of winter, guiding us to replenish our energy for the warm busy days to come.


A new month , a new day , and it’s FRIDAY ! I’m always hopeful it will be a great day ! The weather is going to try to put a damper on things, but with the good Lords’ help everyone will make it safely through the day and home for the weekend.

A big storm is brewing all around us and lots of snow, rain, sleet and ice are all possible depending on what part of the state you live in – here it is freezing rain this morning.

They say the road crews have been out treating the roads, but where it's not treated it is freezing into ice as the temps are below freezing right now.

I owe, I owe,

It's off to work I go...


It isn't the size of your house

That matters much at all.

It's a gentle hand and its loving touch,

That makes you great or small.

The friends who come to visit,

When out of your house they depart,

Will judge it not by the style you show,

But rather by the size of your heart.

It isn't how smart you are,

Or the wealth you've found.

Happiness comes from how you touch

The lives that are all around.

Making money is not hard,

But living life well is an art.

How people love and regard you,

Is all in the size of your heart.

Author Unknown

May you day be blessed with a few SMILES

and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




graphics by:


Anonymous said...

There have been gale force winds all over the UK, they have died down a little here and we have bright sunshine although we were told to expect snow.  Well as we never get snow it did seem a bit strange.  We are not even getting frosts and ice like we used to.  I do not mind the frost, hate the ice.

Anonymous said...

I love that rose graphic. It is so pretty. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Stay safe in all of that treacherous weather!! It sounds awful! Be careful and stay warm!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I think all of us could use an Angel for February and other months too. lol Oh my! With husband retired & the snow I am sitting too much! lol Hope you had a safe trip to work. In my prayers, Janie

Anonymous said...

Please be careful out on those roads.


Anonymous said...

Well what a lovely posting once again .I am enjoying this pacience and relaxing out of the cold cold snow here today.Yes we finally got our share and gake force winds too.brrrr it is bitter.Yes it does make a lovely change fromt eh hustle bustle of life outdoors I agree .Yippee it is Friday a day I love.Love th elittle house verse it is so true.Stay safe Pam and come along to my blog and pick up your well deserved Nice Matters award when you have time.Safe journeys. I hope you get a few smiles today. Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand