Saturday, February 2, 2008



Little Gifts From God

Into our lives come many things to break the dull routine,

The things we had not planned on that happen unforeseen,

The unexpected little joys that are scattered on our way

Success we did not count on or a rare, fulfilling day

An unsought word of kindness, a compliment or two

That sets the eyes to gleaming like crystal drops of dew

The unplanned sudden meeting that comes with sweet surprise

And lights the heart with happiness like a rainbow in the skies.

Now some folks only call it fate and some folks call it chance,

While others just accept it as a pleasant happenstance

But no matter what you call it, it didn't come without design,

For all our lives are fashioned by the Hand that is Divine

And every happy happening and every lucky break

Are little gifts from God above that are ours to freely take.

Helen Steiner Rice


My little gift of today is the fact that it is SATURDAY morning and I don’t have to rush off to work and I can wake up slowly and drink the whole pot of coffee if I want to.

The good Lord gave us a whole week of 7 days and out of 7 we are supposed to have 1 day of rest. He looked around that 7th day and saw that all was good. I’m cheating a little because even though I will do some work at home today It really seems like rest compared to the 5 days of work I do.

I’m looking around and saying yes, it was good. It was good that I had a job to go to and was physically able to do that job, so it was good. But the weekends are always so much better.

I received an honorary ‘NICE MATTERS’ award from Lori yesterday and a real one form Kath and passed it on to a few of the journals I read. I put the AWARD picture up but only the one that was for the gals. Here is the one for the guys. I know that there are some NICE guys out there too and they do deserve a manly award.

I have to mention that today is Gound Hogs Day. If the ground hog sees his shadow this morning we will have 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow Spring will come early this year . It has been my unpleasant experience in my almost 64 years now that no matter what—Spring is still 6 weeks away.

This coming week brings the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday on February 6th. Lent is almost like a count down to spring as at the end of Lent , Easter comes and with Easter, Spring also arrives. I’ll be trying to do some Lenten Reflections in my other jounal – What’s New at My House. The link can be found in the side bar of this journal.


A Cheerful Heart


Tis well to walk with a cheerful heart

Wherever our fortunes call,

With a friendly glance and an open hand

And a gentle word for all.

Since life is a thorny and difficult path

Where toil is the portion of man,

We all should endeavor, while passing along

To make it as smooth as we can.


May your day be blessed with a few SMILES

and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




graphics by:


Anonymous said...

Another lovely HSR once again.I love them all.There are some nice guys ou tthere I do agree.Sad we cannot give everyone the award they are all so deserving of one.Lifes path  sure is thorny at times and we have to try smooth them as best we can.Being able to come along and join such many good friends in J/land does help to smooth my path many a day.Especially with postings as inspirational as your own.Thankyou for sharing all your lovely words each day.They help plenty.How lovely Lori gave you a Nice Matters award too.Enjoy your rest days this weekend.You earn them so much.Take Care God Bless Kath astoriasand

Anonymous said...

A beautiful poem and ever so true. Thanks for sharing. She sure writes beautiful poems. Oh.. it is Ground Hogs day, didn't even realize it with the things going on around here. lol I can tell you now that here in Kansas the grass can be as dead as door knob but on Easter the grass is peeking through for the little kids to hide their Easter eggs! :-) Out of all I have seen... only one in Oklahoma my friends made a snowman on Easter Sunday. :-) Thank you so much for keeping us in prayer.  Have a wonderful weekend that you well deserve. Blessings, Janie

Anonymous said...

Love your tags today.  Yes, he saw his shadow...we shall see if he is right!
Hugs and love...enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

I am hoping for more winter. Our winters are so mild, I am not ready for hot weather yet.
Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

Very well done on your award ,well deserved,sorry Ihavent been around ,Ihave been reading but not commenting ,in order to catch up ..Have a blessed Sunday Jan xx

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until Spring either!


Anonymous said...

It does seem that he always sees his shadow... and that Lent snuck up on me this year....
Linda :)