Saturday, December 30, 2006

There are two angels that attend un-seen

Each one of us, and in great books record

Our good and evil deeds. He who writes down

The good ones, after every action closes-

His volume, and ascends with it to God.-

The other keeps his dreadful day-book open

Till sunset, that we may repent; which doing,

The record of the action fades away,

And leaves a line of white across the page.

Now if my act be good, as I believe it,

It cannot be recalled.

It is already Sealed up in heaven,

as a good deed accomplished.

The rest is yours.


Are we keeping our angel very busy today?

Good Morning !

Here we are almost the end of another year. My book for 2006 is just about complete. Lots of wonderful things happened this past year and a few not so good things too. But all that– the good and the bad – is in the past.

One more day and I’ll begin a new book for 2007. The future is always exciting and I’m looking forward to having lots more wonderful things to share with you all.

I’m sipping my good coffee and enjoying some down time this morning. I got to sleep in and it felt wonderful. Soon I’ll be getting started on the usual Saturday chores . Lots to do today and it looks like the whole weekend will be busy too !

DS#2 and his family are still here til New Years. I think the babes are missing home and will be glad to get back to their own house and their friends . They have been a joy to have . After this visit it will be a long time before I see them again.

My son and his wife will have new assignments in the New Year that will take them even further away from home. Hopefully the internet will continue to allow us to keep in touch. As with many of my children and grandchildren, besides the telephone, it is often the only contact I have for many months at a time.


Don't be dismayed at good-byes.

A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.

And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes,

is certain for those who are friends.

Richard Bach

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart.

Peace my friends,

Christmas love with out end.





Anonymous said...

Loved the angel story.  We took our daughter, grandson, and son-in-law to the airport Wednesday to fly back to Hawaii.  They are in the midist of a whirl wind pack up to leave Hawaii for their new assignment in South Carolina.  My son-in-law is now a Marine Drill Instructor.  We are blessed that they are coming closer to us (10 hours by car) it has been hard the past three years with them on another time zone and 15 hours by plane away from us.  But as my daughter always says, "home is where the Corps sends you".  Really enjoyed their visit. Got to play Santa again after many years.  Will be glad to see them settled and back into a routine.  All these changes are hard on families.  Have a blessed weekend.  No snow here in Southern Maryland but expecting lots of rain over New Years.  Phyllis

Anonymous said...

The internet is such a wonderful way of you being able to keep in touch with your family.  I wish you a wonderful New Year

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree the internet and phone do help to keep familys in touch Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Enjoy these last couple of days with your family.  Let's make this a good year....ok?

Anonymous said...

thank goodness for th enet now to keep in touch. yeah hard to believe the new book will begine in a day or two

Anonymous said...

if you could only bottle the time with family and take it out when you are missing them the most... enjoy  them while you can and hope you are having a wonderful day! Sandra

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's hard not to see the families when they live so far away. I have that too and sometimes the telephone is the only communication with grandchildren that are too small to use the internet. But, we adjust.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Years to you. Hope 2007 is a wonderful year. Enjoy the last few days with your family before they go.

Anonymous said...

So glad you are spending time with your family for the holidays... Have a great weekend!!
Linda :)