From one of the newsletters I read every day…
So what am I devoted to? ...
It's not the same question as asking What is my passion?', though it's similar. Devotion is about giving myself to something bigger than myself
Mary Ann Brussat
Typically, when we think of the word "devotion," we think of a display of great love, something you show. But in my tradition, a "devotion" is also something you do regularly, whether you feel like it or not,—and I can tell you, sometimes it doesn't always look like a great display of love.
Devotions are acts—like reading Scripture, a little bit every day, and praying, spending time with God. We call devotions "spiritual disciplines"—and for good reason. They aren't glamorous. They don't offer any fast results. But they do shape us into a certain kind of people, just the way water that drips on rock for a million years can finally cut a channel in it.
The key isn't how well you do it. The key is doing it.
Anna Carter Florence
Good Morning !
When ever I think of someone that’s devoted, I think of my dog. He’s getting up in years and misses my boys something terrible, yet he is devoted to me. He follows me around like my shadow when I’m at home. He always runs to the door to greet me when I come in, and he always has a lot of patience with me when I forget to give him his dog biscuit, he sits and waits til I remember.
I ‘m devoted to God, my family, my home, but could never attain the unconditional devotion that my beagle gives to me.
Just some things that the article made me think about when I read it.
Saturday mornings are very special to me.and I’m thankful for them It’s really the only morning of the week when I’m not on any strict time schedule. I can appreciate this one even more since my internet service is working today.
Last Saturday I had all the good intentions of enjoying my usual few hours of computer time and had no service.
Today, please join me in praying for those that have been devastated by the fires in California. Certainly those firemen that lost their lives there were devoted to their jobs.
Thought For Today
All animals except man know that the ultimate point of life is to enjoy it.
Samuel Butler
May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !
yes a dog is the best picture of GODS unconditional love I know of. Perhaps that is why GOD is dog spelled backwards.
You always have a good entry!!! So inspiring...keeps us thinking.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend. I'll be cleaning and entertaining and going to football games. I will be tired going into the work week. LOL.
I love this about devotion. It's so true. Sorry your computer didn't work last Saturday when you get time for a little bit. It figures. LOL. Have a great day today.
I'm glad you were able to enjoy your Saturday morning.
Yes, it's very sad about those poor firemen. I love firemen and police officers. They are a special breed who put their lives on the line every day for us. Consider the prayers said.
Have a good rest of the weekend.
What a lovely entry.I am happy your dog is so devoted to you and you to him.I have already said prayers for the fire victims ,and also for all who live in the vicinty.I hope you enjoyed your few hours which are special to you.Goodnight and Godbless.
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