Thursday, October 19, 2006


Lessons from an Oyster

 By: Author Unknown

There once was an oyster

Whose story I tell,

Who found that some sand

Had got into his shell.

It was only a grain,

but it gave him great pain.

For oysters have feelings

Although they're so plain.

Now, did he berate

the harsh workings of fate

 That had brought him

To such a deplorable state?

Did he curse at the government,

Cry for election,

And claim that the sea should

Have given him protection?

'No,' he said to himself

As he lay on a shell,

Since I cannot remove it,

I shall try to improve it.

Now the years have rolled around,

As the years always do,

And he came to his ultimate

Destiny stew.

And the small grain of sand

That had bothered him so

Was a beautiful pearl

All richly aglow.

Now the tale has a moral,

for isn't it grand

What an oyster can do

With a morsel of sand?

What couldn't we do

If we'd only begin

With some of the things

That get under our skin.


Don’t we all have things that get under our skin? There a lots of little things that just make me cringe. Now I have to think about what I can do to turn them into some pearls…pearls of wisdom I hope

The other night when I went over to my Dulcimer buddies house we were looking ahead at the calendar and surprise ! the next time we meet will be the week of Thanksgiving. My ‘Sunshine’ babes will be home that week, so needless to say the date for dulcimer night had to be changed.

The point of all this is that Now I have just one month to ‘baby proof’ my house. You just can’t imagine what isn’t safe when you have a two year old and a three year old around. I always think I’ve succeeded, but they always prove me wrong. Starting this weekend I’m going to have to get busy. As weekends are the only time I have time for it, it'll take me a month to finish up.

Today I’ m thankful for God's presence and guidance. I pray He will protect me and you if we stumble...

Thought for Today

Just about the time a woman thinks her work is done, she becomes a grandmother.

Edward H. Dreschnack

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart!



Anonymous said...

OH man Thanks giving a month away whoooooooooo fal is moving fast

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sending me your like that I asked for. After I read this entry, I realized I've been missing your journal a whole lot. You always have such great words of wisdom here.
My favorite quote: "Just about the time a woman thinks her work is done, she becomes a grandmother." Wow! Is that one ever true. Three of my grandchildren live with me. At 62, it's not easy. LOL! But I love them.

Baby and toddler proofing the house must be hard. I don't remember anymore because my house has been that way for 18 years. Yes, my oldest granddaugther here is 18, my grandson is 14 and the littlest living here is five, so she's at a stage where she's "pretty" trustworthy. : ) The other three grandkids live out of state and when they visit, I try to keep them in the living room and take everything off ot the tables and end tables. They are smaller 3-4 and 10. : )
