Monday, October 30, 2006


A little story for you this morning…

 There was an older guy who decided to jog around the local high school football field. As he huffed and puffed along, the team was practicing. The players soon started running sprints up and down the field.

The man told himself, "I’ll just keep running until they quit." So he ran, and they ran, and he ran some more, and they kept running. The old man kept running until he could finally run no longer. He stopped in exhaustion.

One of the players, equally exhausted, approached him and said, "Boy, am I glad you finally stopped, Mister. Coach told us we had to keep running wind sprints as long as the old guy was jogging."

He was watching them; they were watching him. He was letting them set his standard; they allowed him to set theirs.

 Good Morning !

When I was younger, things that others did influenced me greatly…I was always swayed by the majority. Now that I’m more ‘seasoned’, the crowd matters very little and I’m becoming quite immune to what goes on around me. Changes in things I’ve valued for many years are happening so rapidly that I can not keep up with them nor do I even want to. I’m very much set in my belief system and think I’ll just stay this way. Not that some changes aren’t good things, I’ve just learned to be much more selective.

Back to work today ! I’m looking forward to a pretty quiet day both at work and at home, but you never know what surprises may happen….

Today I’m thankful for the caregivers of our sick and elderly folks. Being there for them is an awesome task. I pray for all those that wouldn’t have the quality of life they do have with out them. My youngest sister cares for our Dad day in and day out and I know he’d not be able to be on his own with out her thoughtful care.


If you are quick to take offense,

then you'll be under the control of those who you find offensive.

If you are easily angered,

then your actions will be dictated by those who anger you.

If you are obsessed by what other people think,

then you will be imprisoned by their thoughts.

If you yearn for easy answers and quick solutions,

you'll fall prey to people who offer you nothing but promises.

If you find the truth too difficult to bear,

you'll be enslaved to those who tell you what youwant to hear.

When you have the courage to think for yourself,

the strength to accept what is,

the commitment and discipline to make a difference,

then you are free.

You are truly free to live with purpose,

joy and fulfillment.

Let your life be defined,

not by reactions to what others do, say,

or think but rather your own unique vision.

Raise your eyes above the pettiness

and follow the path of the greatness

that is within you.

Author Unknown

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



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Anonymous said...

ah I tell you that is a good story lessson. yes as I get older I like less and less being part of whats around me nad wish very much to go off to amoutian

Anonymous said...

A great story.  Glad your Dad has your sister to look after him.

Love the pumpkins

Anonymous said...

I've always been strong-minded (another word for stubborn....LOL), so I was never a follower. But, my big thing lately is that I find myself shorter-tempered. I'm lacking patience as I get older but not for important things. The little things annoy people who complain about the same thing over and over.  I have to pray for patience with people who annoy the heck out of me. Isn't that awful? I'm a cranky old lady. : )
