Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Beauty and Colour may attract the Eyes

but only a Smile appeals to the Heart.

May you Smile always...

Good Morning..!!!

I’ve noticed that there are some days when I see no smiles . The trick to making someone smile is, of course. to give them one. It isn’t always foolproof, but I do try.

Yesterday was a ho hum type of day at work. I only saw 4 people during the course of the day and I did get 4 smiles before I finished talking to them.

I  don’t have anything unusual to smile about most of the time, other than the fact that I’ve got a job, everyone in my family is reasonably happy and secure, I’m healthy, and the car started when I got in it

Yesterday, however, I got some news that really made me smile ! I’m going to have another Grand’babe’ come next March ! The ‘Sunshine’ boys will be having a new brother or sister ! DDIL#4 is telling us to think ‘pink’.


Well I do have to get off to work and I’ll be SMILING !


The game of life is the game of boomerangs.

Our thoughts, deeds, and words

return to us sooner or later,

with astounding accuracy.

Florence Scovel Shinn

May your day be filled with a few smiles and lots of sunshine to warm your heart !


P.S. Please say a little prayer for all the people suffering in the heat, some without power. The unusal high temps are causing a lot of havoc with the electric supply in a lot of cases.



Anonymous said...

ah I was in lexington all day yesterday and I made it home safe and no fender bender. If you live near here you kow that can be amircale lol so I should smile

Anonymous said...

how exciting about the new grandchild in March. I'll be thinking pink. I'm so happy you can make people smile. I need to do more of that. Lately I have just been in a funky mood.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! A perfect dozen!!
Thinking pink...
Linda :)