Saturday, July 15, 2006


Start Your Own Rainbow

If your world looks gloomy

and you're feeling grim and glum

make a rainbow for yourself,

don't wait for one to come.

Don't sit watching at the window

for the clouds to part.

There'll soon be a rainbow

if you start one in your heart.

Take some lovely thought

out of a poem or a prayer.

Turn it over in your mind

and let it linger there.

Keep out every memory

that dims the light within,

And hold on to the magic word

that lets the brightness in.

Work your own small miracle

and make the dull days glow.

Put some sunshine into life

and let the glory show.

Make a rainbow for yourself

with colors brave and gay,

And underneath its golden arch

your careswill fade away.

author unknown


Maybe there’ll be a rainbow for us here in Northern Ohio today ! The rain is supposed to change to sun somewhere along the way . Then we are going to get hot.

Hot as in the 90’s. I know that some of you are experiencing much hotter hot than we are, but you have to remember, we in the north, are just not used to this heat. We have so much cold, cool and cooler weather that when all of the sudden summer decides to share the warmth with us, it’s a shock to the system.

I know that a friend in California is having 106 degree weather…I can’t imagine what would happen if we had that here…we’d probably loose power from an overload with all the fans and air conditioners running.

It is Saturday morning and I’m slowly sipping the good coffee and enjoying this wonderful down time. It is a small bit of heaven!


When summer turns to winter, And the present disappears, The laughter we were glad to share Will echo through the years.

Author Unknown

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



Anonymous said... the mid 90's...Supposed to be this way for a week or so until next Sunday when a front comes thru.
Keep cool.  

Anonymous said...

I was just telling hubby about your weather as he was saying that the news was reporting hot weather every where... And shhhh, lol,the summer before last we were on electricity restrictions and black outs to save power...
I snagged your smile in the newsletter today for a jounal entry, the but first syndrome, too funny...
Have a cool Sunday!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

we got rain friday night but sat and sundya dry and hot.

Anonymous said...

Il. is having a hot dry weekend. I hope you had a great weekend.