Monday, July 10, 2006




If you can't be a pine on the top of a hill,

Be a shrub in the valley - but be

The best little shrub by the side of the hill;

Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

If you can't be a bush, be a bit of the grass,

And some highway happier make;

If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass-

But the liveliest bass in the lake!

We can't all be captains,

we've got to be crew,

There's something for all of us here,

There's big work to do and there's lesser to do,

And that task we must do is near.

If you can't be a highway, then just be a trail,

If you can't be the sun, be a star;

It isn't by size that you win or you fail-

Be the best of whatever you are!

Author Unknown

Good Morning !

Today it’s off to work with a smile again . Might as well smile because this is all that’s being offered right now. I can get down and out about it or enjoy it. I think I’ll choose to enjoy it.

All the fields along the way to work are filling up with lots of good things, corn, soybeans and hay. A much better sight to be seen than the frozen ground bleak in winter.

The farmers road side stands are beginning to open up here and will soon have lots of fresh produce for all to enjoy. There is nothing better than fresh veggies from the garden. We’ usually get to enjoy these delights until about October then the frost takes care of the gardens and we once again return to things at the store that are shipped in.

Years ago I followed in the footsteps of my grandmother and mother and ‘put things up’ for the winter. We canned or froze things from the garden to enjoy all winter. Even those preserved tomatoes, corn, peaches and green beans had more flavor in them than the cans we buy in the store.

When I returned to the workforce there was no time for all that and now I have only me to feed, so I just enjoy the fresh stuff in small quantities while it’s in season.

A litte rain and warmer temps are forecast for this week. We need the rain so that’ll be a good thing.


You Never Know

You never know when someone might

catch a dream from you.

Or something you say may

open up the windows of a mind

that seeks light;

The way you live may not matter at all,

But you never know, it might.

And just in case it could be

that another's life, through you,

might possibly change for the better

with a better and brighter view,

it seems it might be worth a try

at pointing the way to the right;

Of course, it may not matter at all,

but then again, it might.


May your day be blessed with a few smiles and lots of sunshine to warm your heart



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Anonymous said...

Im loving the fresh fruit that is coming out of my garden. yum yum.
Is that word suppose to be a shurb not scrub????? a scrub is a dirty scum type guy you want to SCRUB off. Or something you do with your hands lol I dont know I culd be wrong but the reason Im asking is that I want to read this at the next services I m at. Which will be in two weeks. Camping upcoming ya know lol

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Lori I did correct the spelling and now you see it's a SHRUB in the verse above. 'On Ya' - ma

Anonymous said...

you keep smiling too. I remember many years ago many years, lol My grandma used to make her own pickles. They were so yummy.