Saturday, July 22, 2006


Build for yourself a strong box

Fashion each part with care

When its as strong as your hand can make it

Put all your troubles there.

Hide there all thought of your failures

And each bitter cup that you quaff

Lock all your heartaches within it

Then sit on the lid and laugh.

Tell no one else its contents

Never its secrets tell

When you've dropped in your care and worry

Keep them forever there.

Hide them from sight so completely

That the world will never dream half;

Fasten the strong box securely

Then sit on the lid and laugh

Author Unknown

Good Morning !

Don’t we all have troubles that we carry around like an old bag of potatoes weighing us down… Well now I know what to do with them. Put them in the box and sit on the lid and Laugh. No use letting them weigh you down, that only makes things worse.

Saturday mornings always make things seem better for me. Slowly waking up – no rush , no fuss !

Yesterday I saw two signs that summer is fading fast. The first thing I noticed on the way to work.. The corn in the farmers fields now have tassels on the tops.

The second was the sight of workers painting new lines on the streets.. The kind that mark the lanes and crosswalks. They put up those nice orange cones and make traffic miserable for a while. They always seem to do that before school starts again.

 I’m in no hurry to see summer end, but I do look forward to the cooler days of early fall. Late fall can bring snow (did I really say the ‘S’ word ?) and I am really not looking forward to that at all !

For today, anyway, I’m going to enjoy Summer and sip my good coffee and thank the dear Lord for another beautiful day.


The more you love,

the more you'll find

That life is good and friends are kind,

And only what we give away

Enriches us from day to day.

Helen Steiner Rice

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




Anonymous said...

wanted to go to yard sales but once again its thwarted. Its raining.

Anonymous said...

dont' want summer to end so soon either. Have a great Sunday.