Sunday, January 1, 2006



My New Year's Wish for You !


I wish you Health.....

So you may enjoy each day in comfort. .


I wish you the Love of friends and family....

And Peace within your heart. .


I wish you the Beauty of nature ....

That you may enjoy the work of God. .


I wish you Wisdom to choose priorities ....

For those things that really matter in life. .


I wish you Generosity so you may share ....

 All good things that come to you. .


I wish you Happiness and Joy....

And Blessings for the New Year. .


I wish you the best of everything....

That you so well deserve. .




Today we begin another grand and glorious year ! Thanks be to God! I’m always happy to greet another day. I know from past experiences that each new day is going to enrich my life in some wonderful way. Even the ‘downers’ of the day can teach us lessons if we are open to them.

I stayed up to watch the New Year come in on TV and slept in until just a few minutes ago this morning ! 

I did find the words to the song I mentioned 

 Let the Sunshine In

1. Mommy told me something a little child should know,

It's all about the devil and I've learned to hate him so.

She said he causes trouble if you let him in the room.

He will never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom.


So let the sunshine in. Face it with a grin.

Smilers never lose and frowners never win.

So let the sunshine in. Face itwith a grin.

Open up you heart and let the sunshine in.

2. If I forget to say my prayers the deviljumps with glee,

But he feels so awful, awful when he sees me on my knees.

If you're full of trouble and you never seem to win

Just open up your heart and let the sunshine in.


So let the sunshine in. Face it with a grin.

Smilers never lose and frowners never win.

 So let the sunshine in.

 Face it with a grin.

 Open up you heart and let the sunshine in.


I’m sure this song was something I must have learned as a child, but it does have a good message. Here’s the link where I found it along with the music, if you want to hear it.

May what you see in the mirror delight you, and what others see in you delight them And may we live in a world at peace and the awareness of God's love in every sunset, every flower's unfolding petals, every baby's smile, every lover's kiss, and every wonderful, astonishing, miraculous beat of our heart !




Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you and your family!!

Anonymous said...

Happy near year to you. I lvoe the pics but that one of the dog is priceless.

Anonymous said...

Such cute pictures...
We slept in til eleven, even the kids, couldn't believe it.
Happy New Year!
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

Hello for the first time in 2006.
Lovely pictures......Lovely entry.


Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your pictures.