Tuesday, January 3, 2006



Chapter 1, Page 3


 God grant us this year a wider view,

so we see others' faults through the eyes of You.

Teach us to judge not with hasty tongue,

neither the adult ... nor the young.

Give us patience and grace to endure and a stronger faith

so we feel secure; and instead of remembering,

help us forget the irritations that caused us to fret.

Freely forgiving for some offense and finding

each day a rich recompense, in offering a friendly,

helping hand and trying in all ways to understand,

that all of us whoever we are ... Are trying to reach

"an unreachable star." For the great and small ...

the good and bad, the young and old ... the sad and glad,

are asking today, "Is life worth living?"

And the answer is only in "loving" and "giving."

For only "Love" can make mankind and Kindness of Heart

brings Peace of Mind, and by giving love we can

start this year  to lift the clouds of hate and fear

Helen Steiner Rice


Good Morning !

I go back to work today. At least some of my house is back to normal (???) and I am well rested . We’ve had some rain and warmer weather so far this week, but Thursday it’s supposed to get colder and snow a little.

I wanted to show you my January purse.

 DD and I went shopping after Christmas and we both got a new purse. Hers is much smaller than mine. For something fun to do this year, we’ll be going shopping each month for a new ‘fun’ purse of the month. You might say that, for us, it is the ‘Year of the Purse’ . Ha Ha! I got the idea from a fellow aol journaler - http://journals.aol.com/bookncoffee/MySouthernHome

 The purses won’t be expensive, just something to add a

***BIG SMILE*** to our day.

I hope your day is filled with some smiles and a little sunshine to warm your heart !

One more day God’s way !




Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so.

One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.

Mary Jean Iron


Snowmen graphics by:




Anonymous said...

we sure had freaky weahter her ein ky torndos in january what a storm

Anonymous said...

Oh, I never found a January purse. The one I was going to use that had poodles on it, was just too little.   I like yours. Thanks for showing a pic.  I'd like to find one with a snow flake for January and a heart for February, shamrock for March.  LOL.  TheTeen was laughing at me and my obsessive need for having to have themes and colors for each month.  It all started at the nails section when I was looking for a frosty set of nails for January and I told her I would do red for February.  She remembered my desire to change colors in my journal monthly and then she began to worry that she would inherit this "disease" of having to do something different each month.  LOL.  Just makes life interesting and spices it up a bit.  Obsessing over these fun little items beats obsessing over issues.  LOL.  Have a good day back to work.  I'm going back today too.

Anonymous said...

Love your January purse.  By the end of 2006 you will have quite a collection.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your day back to work! Wonderful idea about the purse -  I think the idea of getting together to do that and spending the time together is going to make this one special time for you and DD.


Anonymous said...

Great idea... I will have to look around and see what purses I can find too.. My daughter is in Florida but on the way home tonight so when she gets here and gets rested maybe we too can go shopping. what a nice idea and I love that January purse too. :)  Sandra