Friday, January 6, 2006



Chapter 1, Page 6

Yesterday I met a stranger...

Today this stranger is my friend.

Had I not taken the time to say hello,

or return a smile, or shake a hand, or listen,

I would not have known this person.

Yesterday would have turned into today

and our chance meeting would be gone.

Yesterday I hugged someone very dear to me.

Today they are gone... and tomorrow will not bring them back.

Wouldn't it be nice if we all knew tomorrow would be here?

But this is not to be, so take the time TODAY

 to give a hug, a smile, and say "I love you"...


When I got home from work yesterday I found two more Christmas gifts in the mailbox. One was from ‘Our Star’ – a beautiful ball point pen with a soccer ball on top of it. He forgot to bring it when they came at Christmas. A treasure to behold.!

And the second was a family calendar from DDIL#1 and a note that was handwritten by ‘Our Princess.’ What treasures ! I am so blessed ! This will go on my list of blessings for Thursday!


I also had my guardian angel taking care of me on the way to work yesterday ! In the space of 2 blocks I had two cars go through 2 different red lights right in front of me. I had the green light and before I got a good start they came through the intersections. One of them was a police car that had no blinkers, no flashing lights nor any siren. Thank the good Lord, they missed me by just inches. After that I was waiting for # 3 , but no further incidents happened.


Take good care all!





Angel graphics by:


Anonymous said...

WOW I would have gotten the police car # and called him in. That is horrible. But glad you had angles. send som ehere as Pepper is now sick

Anonymous said...

Glad someone was watching out over you today........
Have a good day today.  It's Friday........yay..........

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that was surely the Lord watching over you with those two intersection potential accidents. What a blessing with the gifts you got!

Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend!


Anonymous said...

Always have to be careful when you're first in line when the light turns green. Always some nuts out there in a hurry to get nowhere. Happy you are fine.

Have a wonderful weekend,