Sunday, December 31, 2006



Don't Look Back

As you travel through life there are always those times when decisions just have to be made, when the choices are hard and solutions seem scarce and the rain seems to soak your parade!

There are some situations where all you can do is to simply let go and move on, gather courage together and choose a direction that carries you toward a new dawn.

So pack up your troubles and take a step forward. The process of change can be tough. But think about all the excitement ahead, if you can be stalwart enough!

There could be adventures you never imagined just waiting around the next bend and wishes and dreams just about to come true in ways you can't yet comprehend!

Perhaps you'll find friendships that spring from new interests, as you challenge your status quo and learn there are so many options in life, and so many ways you can grow!

Perhaps you'll go places you never expected and see things that you've never seen, or travel to fabulous, faraway worlds and wonderful spots in between!

Perhaps you'll find warmth, affection and caring, a "somebody special" who's there to help you stay centered and listen with interest to stories and feelings you share.

Perhaps you'll find comfort in knowing your friends are supportive of all that you do and believe that whatever decisions you make, they'll be the right choices for you!

So keep putting one foot in front of the other and taking your life day by day. There's a brighter tomorrow that's just down the road.

Don't look back, you're not going that way!

Author Unknown


New Years Eve is here ! Where did the year go too? It flew by so fast I hardly remember all that happened. Thankfully it’s all recorded here in my journal. If it’s not here in this one it is in one of the others…I have 4 of them and my web site which right now needs updating.

We are off to church in a little while and I’ll be saying a special New Year prayer for all of you. May this new year be the best ever for all of you !

I am really looking forward to what this year might bring my way and I am so thankful for the blessings I’ve received in the past one.

Thought For Today

We mark ends and we make beginnings and, in all, we praise God for the grace and mercy that fill our days.

Remember us, 0 God; from age to age be our comforter. You have given us the wonder of time, blessings in days and nights, seasons and years. Please fill us with peace and clear our minds to prepare for a new year. Help us enjoy our friends and families. Unite us with Your grace and love. make this year one we will not forget.

A prayer for the New Year

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !

May hope, love, and warmth be in your heart's possessing, and may the New Year bring you and yours many blessings.



Saturday, December 30, 2006

There are two angels that attend un-seen

Each one of us, and in great books record

Our good and evil deeds. He who writes down

The good ones, after every action closes-

His volume, and ascends with it to God.-

The other keeps his dreadful day-book open

Till sunset, that we may repent; which doing,

The record of the action fades away,

And leaves a line of white across the page.

Now if my act be good, as I believe it,

It cannot be recalled.

It is already Sealed up in heaven,

as a good deed accomplished.

The rest is yours.


Are we keeping our angel very busy today?

Good Morning !

Here we are almost the end of another year. My book for 2006 is just about complete. Lots of wonderful things happened this past year and a few not so good things too. But all that– the good and the bad – is in the past.

One more day and I’ll begin a new book for 2007. The future is always exciting and I’m looking forward to having lots more wonderful things to share with you all.

I’m sipping my good coffee and enjoying some down time this morning. I got to sleep in and it felt wonderful. Soon I’ll be getting started on the usual Saturday chores . Lots to do today and it looks like the whole weekend will be busy too !

DS#2 and his family are still here til New Years. I think the babes are missing home and will be glad to get back to their own house and their friends . They have been a joy to have . After this visit it will be a long time before I see them again.

My son and his wife will have new assignments in the New Year that will take them even further away from home. Hopefully the internet will continue to allow us to keep in touch. As with many of my children and grandchildren, besides the telephone, it is often the only contact I have for many months at a time.


Don't be dismayed at good-byes.

A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.

And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes,

is certain for those who are friends.

Richard Bach

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart.

Peace my friends,

Christmas love with out end.




Friday, December 29, 2006


Just for today, I will live through this day only, and not set far-reaching goals to try to overcome all my problems at once. I know I can do something for 24 hours that would overwhelm me if I thought I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

Just for today, I will be happy. Abraham Lincoln said, "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be". He was right. I will not dwell on thoughts that depress me. I will chase them out of my mind and replace them with happy thoughts.

Just for today, I will adjust myself to what is. I will face reality. I will correct those things that I can correct and accept those I cannot.

Just for today, I will improve my mind. I will not be a mental loafer. I will force myself to read something that requires effort, thought, and concentration.

Just for today, I will do something positive to improve my health. If I'm overweight, I'll eat nothing I know to be fattening and I'll force myself to exercise ~ even if it's only walking around the block or using the stairs instead of the elevator.

Just for today, I will make a conscious effort to be agreeable. I will look as good as I can, dress becomingly, speak softly, act courteously, and not interrupt when someone else is talking.

Just for today, I'll try not to improve anybody except myself. We know so much more about nutrition and how much exercise and sensible living can extend life and make it more enjoyable; so just for today, I'll take good care of my body so I can celebrate many more happy new years.

Just for today, I will have a program. I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it, thereby saving myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.

Just for today, I will gather the courage to do what is right and take the responsibility for my own actions.


The New Year is just around the bend and I know lots of us try to make resolutions for improving ourselves. Lately I’ve noticed that there are more and more ways people are using to look younger and feel better.

I’m getting older day by day, but I no longer wish to look 10 years younger . My self-improvement methods are things like bible study and prayer and going to church on Sundays for weekly does of R&R

Health food and diets are the least of my concerns. At my age, some would say they know all they need to know, but I find the older I get the less I know.

TGIF – I’m so thankful it is Friday. Hopefully the next 3 days won’t be too hectic as I’m already dreading Tuesday when I have to go back to work.


Do not set your goals by what other people deem important. Only God knows what is best for you.

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart

Peace dear friends,

Christmas love with out end.




Thursday, December 28, 2006



Late one Christmas Eve I sank back, tired but content, into my easy chair. The kids were in bed, the gifts were wrapped, the milk and cookies waited by the fireplace for Santa. As I sat back admiring the tree with its decorations, I couldn't help feeling that something was missing.

It wasn't long before the tiny twinkling tree lights lulled me to sleep. I don't know how long I slept, but all of a sudden I knew that I wasn't alone. I opened my eyes, and you can imagine my surprise when I saw Santa Claus himself, standing next to my Christmas tree.

He was dressed all in fur from his head to his foot just as the poem described him. But he was not the "jolly old elf" of Christmas legend. The man who stood before me looked sad and disappointed. And there were tears in his eyes.

"Santa, what's wrong?" I asked. "Why are you crying?" "It's the children," Santa replied sadly. "But the children love you," I said. "Oh, I know they love me and the gifts I bring them," Santa said. "But the children of today seem to have somehow missed out on the true spirit of Christmas...and it's not their fault!

It's just that the adults, many of them not having been taught themselves, have forgotten to teach the children." "Teach them what?" I asked.

Santa's kind old face became soft, more gentle. His eyes began to shine with something more than tears. He spoke softly. "Teach the children the true meaning of Christmas. Teach them that the part of Christmas we can see, hear, and touch is much more than meets the eye. Teach them the symbolism behind the customs and traditions of Christmas we now observe. Teach them what it is they truly represent."

Santa reached into his bag and pulled out a tiny Christmas tree and set it on my mantle." Teach them about the Christmas tree. Green is the second color of Christmas. The stately evergreen with its unchanging color represents the hope of eternal life in Jesus. It's needles point heavenward as a reminder that man's thoughts should turn heavenward as well."

Santa reached into his bag again and pulled out a shiny star and placed it at the top of the small tree. "The star was the heavenly sign of promise. God promised a Savior for the world and the star was the sign of the fulfillment of that promise of the night that Jesus Christ was born.

Teach the children that God always fulfills His promises and that wise men still seek Him."

"Red," said Santa, "is the first color of Christmas." He pulled forth a red ornament for the tiny tree. "Red is deep, intense, vivid. It is the color of the life-giving blood that flows through our veins. It is the symbol of God's greatest gift.

Teach the children that Christ gave His life and shed His blood for them that they might have eternal life. When they see the color red it should remind them of that most wonderful gift."

Santa found a bell in his pack and placed it on the tree. "Just as lost sheep are guided to safety by the sound of the bell, it continues to ring today for all to be guided to the fold. Teach the children to follow the true Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep."

Santa placed a candle on the mantle and lit it. The soft glow from its one tiny flame brightened the room. "The glow of the candle represents how man can show his thanks for the gift of God's son who was born that Christmas Eve long ago.

Teach the children to follow in Christ's footsteps, to go about doing good. Teach them to let their lights shine before men that all may see it and glorify God.

This is what is symbolized when the twinkly lights shine on the tree like hundreds of bright, shining candles, each of them representing one of God's precious children, their light shining for all to see."

Again, Santa reached into his bag and this time he brought forth a shiny red and white striped candy cane. As he hung it on the tree, he spoke softly, "The candy cane is a stick of hard, white candy. White to symbolize the virgin birth and sinless nature of Jesus and the shape 'J' to represent the precious name of Jesus who came to earth as our Savior. It also represents the crook the Good Shepherd uses to reach down into the ditches of the world to lift out the fallen lambs who, like sheep, have gone astray. The original candy cane had three small red stripes which are the stripes of the scourging Jesus received by which we are healed, and a large red stripe that represents the shed blood of Jesus so that we can have eternal life.

Teach these things to the children." Santa brought out a beautiful wreath made of fresh, fragrant greenery and tied with a bright red bow. "The bow reminds us of the bond of perfection which is love. The wreath embodies all the good things about Christmas for those with eyes to see and hearts to understand. It contains the colors of red and green and the heaven-turned needles of the evergreen. The bow tells the story of good will towards all; and its color again reminds us of Christ's sacrifice.

Even its very shape is symbolic, representing eternity and the eternal nature of Christ's love. It is a circle without beginning and without end. These are the things you must teach the children."

"But where does that leave you Santa?" I asked. The tears gone now from his eyes, a smile broke over Santa's face. "Why, bless you my dear," he laughed. "I'm only a symbol myself.

I represent the spirit of family fun and the joy of giving and receiving. If the children are taught these other things, there is no danger that I'll ever be forgotten."

"I think I'm beginning to understand at last," I replied. "That's why I came," said Santa. "You're an adult. If you don't teach the children these things...... then who will?"



Maybe you are ready to put your Christmas decorations away. I know that many will have everything packed away by New Years’ day. I’m still celebrating for a while yet and have a few more bits and pieces to share.

This weekend will end the family festivities with the departure of DS#2 and family. While we traveling to go out to dinner last evening, my granddaughter noticed a lot of the Christmas lights around town are already turned off . I for one am not turning off all mine just yet.

I’m off to work again and really need a 2nd cup of my good hot coffee this morning before I leave . I watched the movie Annie on TV last night and was up past my bedtime.


Better by far you should forget and smile than you should remember and be sad.

Christina Rossetti English poet (1830 - 1894)

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart.

Peace my friends,

Christmas love without end.



Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Love came down at Christmas,

love all lovely, love divine;

love was born at Christmas--

Star and angels gave the sign.

Worship we the Godhead,

love incarnate, love divine;

worship we our Jesus--

what should be our sacred sign?

Love shall be our token

love be yours and love be mine;

love to God and neighbor

love for prayer and gift and sign.

Christina Rossetti, 1883


Back to work this morning! After 5 days of more activity than normal and 5 nights of less sleep than normal, somehow I hope to function at work today.

Three days of work and then off for a 3 day weekend for New Years. I won’t take any extra vacation days , just the holiday this time. DS #2 and family will be leaving for home on the 1st and then comes the great task of getting back to normal ??? here.

I hope the desk isn’t piled too high at work. We’ll see…


By keeping Christ in Christmas

We are helping fulfill

The glad tidings of the angels—

"Peace on earth and to men, goodwill."

Helen Steiner Rice

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !

Peace my friends,

Christmas love without end,



Tuesday, December 26, 2006


Christmas is more than a day at the end of the year,

More than a season of joy and good cheer,

Christmas is really God's pattern for living

To be followed all year by unselfish giving.

Helen Steiner Rice

I give thee thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart . . . for thou hast exalted above everything thy name and thy word.

Psalm 138:1, 2


We are now in the Season of Christmas which is Christmas Day to the start of Epiphany. Epiphany is a Christian feast intended to celebrate the 'shining forth' or revelation of God to mankind in human form, in the person of Jesus. and includes the birth of Jesus; the visit of the Magi, or Wise Men who arrived in Bethlehem; and all of Jesus' childhood events, up to his baptism in the Jordan by John the Baptist. The date of the feast was fixed on January 6.

 Many end their festivities with Christmas Day and yes, after tomorrow I’ll go back to work, but I’ll still be enjoying Christmas for a few more days and of course sharing it with all of you too !


May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope;

the spirit of Christmas which is peace;

the heart of Christmas which is love.

Ada V. Hendricks

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !

Peace, dear friends,

Christmas love without end.




Monday, December 25, 2006



Every day is Christmas

when you have the kind of mind,

That stores up all the goodness

and the sweetness it can find

When you don't need an occasion,

to spread a bit of cheer,

But just keep on a-giving,

of yourself throughout the year

Every day is Christmas,

with a gaily wrapped surprise,

When you've learned to see the friendship

in someone else's eyes.

When you try a little harder,

and complain a little less,

Holding fast to all the fervor

of the faith that you possess

Every day is Christmas,

when you've found that you can be

More concerned with words like 'you'

and less with 'I' and 'me'.

When it's fun to do a favor,

and to lend a helping a hand,

When being understood means less,

than when you understand

Every day is Christmas,

with a beauty deeply cast,

When you find it doesn't matter,

if you're first or if you're last

When you can face your conscience,

and be glad of who you are,

Then every day is Christmas,

for you'll have friends near and far.

Author Unknown


We’ve been celebrating here now for several days and I don’t mind saying it’s wonderful. Christmas hasn’t been quite so festive at my house for several years. The laughter and joy of little ones at Christmas is a joy to behold. I usually am blessed with having family at home for one day at the Holidays, Now with DS#2 and his family here, I’ve got more than a weeks worth ! DS#6 and his wife have been able to spend a few days here too !

We went to church yesterday as it was Sunday and now today we’ll be going again to celebrate Christmas. I’ll be praying for Special Christmas Blessings for all of you!

Memories to treasure

Are made of Christmas Day,

Made of family gatherings

And children as they play.

Helen Steiner Rice


Celebrate what you want to see more of!

Thomas J. Peters

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !

Peace, dear friends,

Christmas love without end.




Sunday, December 24, 2006


Fourth Sunday of Advent

This is the shortest Fourth Week of Advent we can have: just Sunday. Sunday evening is Christmas Eve and Monday, Christmas. Today we light the 3rd purple candle and the rose one.. All the candles in our Advent Wreath are now lit.

Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son,

and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called

Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne

of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob

forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end."

But Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?"

And the angel said to her in reply, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.

Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.

And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren; for nothing will be impossible for God."

Mary said, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word." Then the angel departed from her.

Lk 1, 28-38

The mountains and the hills shall sing praise before God..., for the Lord of all that hath dominion shall come into His everlasting kingdom.

Good Morning !

We had so much fun yesterday. So much good food and fun and laughter. The babes and their families are always a joy to be around . There so much love and joy evident when they are all together. Sometimes time and space separates us for months, sometimes years, but when they come home, it’s like they never left .

I think that there couldn’t possibly be a happier person on earth than me.


Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great, if it is given with affection.


May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !

Peace, dear friends,

Christmas love without end.


Saturday, December 23, 2006



If I could have a Christmas wish.

Yes, if such things could be.

There are somethings that I'd wish for

that are just for you from me.

 I know I'd wish when you wake up

the Christmas day to start

You'd find yourself a-smiling

from a peace within your heart.

And I would wish your mind at peace -

as you think about next year.

And freedom from all worries

and freedom from all fear.

And I would wish you joyfulness

and strength to reach your goal

And deep, abiding peacefulness,

And wellness in your soul.

I know I may not get my wish

but if I could - it's true -

A Deep, Abiding, Heart-felt Peace

Is my Christmas Wish for you!



Today is the big Family Feast day! I’ll be making the Ham and Baked Beans and the rest will be brought by each of my babes…There will be a lot of food to be sure. From appetizers to deserts I think we’ll be eating all day !

All the preparation and work has been worth it. The joy on the grandbabes faces as they get to renew acquaintances with aunts, uncles and cousins is worth every bit of what I’ve done.

Some day in the not too far future, I know I won’t be able to do all this and I know my house won’t be able to hold all of them, so I’m giving them all fair warning that the time will come when they will have to take turns hosting the Family Christmas.

But for this year and maybe one or two more…the home for the holidays is here and now.

I put up a few early morning pictures that were taken Friday. I’ve recharged the batteries and many more pictures will be coming tomorrow.


Christmas may be a day of feasting, or of prayer,

but always it will be a day of remembrance--

a day in which we think of everything we have ever loved.

Augusta E. Rundel

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !

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Peace, dear friends,

Christmas love without end.