Monday, August 4, 2008


God has given us these times of Joy

Psalm 81:4

The real joy of life is in its play.

Play is anything we do for the joy

and love of doing it, apart from any profit,

compulsion, or sense of duty.

It is the real living of life

with the feeling of freedom and self-expression.

Play is the business of childhood,

and its continuation in later years

is the prolongation of youth.

Walter Rauschenbach



I am trying to wake up with a SMILE here and sipping the good coffee as usual. Thank goodness for my automatic coffee pot that has it already for me when I come down stairs in the morning.

I set it up the night before and presto it is ready each morning ! Sad to say I’m not like my coffee pot, mornings often come quicker than I want them too.

It’s Monday and the day will be a busy one. Work doesn’t really slow down for me until Thursday. This is one day I’m the most important one in the office as I’ll do the payroll and right now I’m the only one there that can.

After a great weekend I cannot complain so

I owe , I owe

Its off to work I go….


Live for today but hold your hands open to tomorrow. Anticipate the future and its changes with joy. There is a seed of God's love in every event, every circumstance, every unpleasant situation in which you may find yourself.

Barbara Johnson

May the Lord Bless YOU

With Peace as you experience

The JOYS of Summertime




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Anonymous said...

Well, try not to work too hard. I used to love coffee years ago, cannot drink it nowadays, always gives me a splitting headache.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a good Monday with your payroll processing.  I'm sitting on the switchboard right now.  Well not ON it, but AT it.  lol  Our receptionist had an emergency and since my work load is light, I'm filling in.  I have a SMALL part that I do each payroll Monday and that is to verify that my entries took (increases and data changes).  We do a preview (mock up) before sending it in and that way we can catch it if something didn't work.  It always works, so I'm not sure why we do it.  lol
Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

I hope you have a good week.

Anonymous said...

I have been very tired since I could not sleep one night a week ago. :-(  Gee it takes a long time to get caught up on sleep! lol Hope your week goes well. God Bless, Janie