Saturday, April 21, 2007


My life is but a weaving,

between my God and me.

I do not choose the colors,

He worketh steadily.

 Offtimes He weaveth sorrow,

and I in foolish pride,

Forget He sees the upper,

and I the underside.

Not 'til the loom is silent

and the shuttles cease to fly

Will God unroll the canvas

and explain the reason why.

The dark threads are as needful

in the weaver's skillful hand

As the threads of gold and silver

in the pattern He has planned.

Author Unknown


Usually when I think of threads of gold or silver, I’m reminded just how ‘silver’ my hair is becoming. Sometimes I think that if I’d go back to coloring it, I could look about 10 years younger. But would it be worth it to look 53 instead of 63???

Ah, there are now more wrinkles than there were10 years ago too. I like to think they’re laugh lines and not the other way round. Right between my eyes is one very deep one, from squinting I suppose. All those sunny days on the beach must have left their mark. Or is it all the hours and hours spent on the computer, mostly at work??

This morning I’m off to Dad’s again. It does appear that things will never be the same. He needs help more and more. He is just 20 years older than I and that isn’t really a lot. Years ago I may have though how old he is, but not anymore. Thinking how fast the past 20 have gone, I see that it was just yesterday.

Forgive me for I am feeling quite old this morning. Maybe tomorrow (my R & R day) I’ll feel much younger.


Good Morning Blessing

This morning when I awakened

And saw the sun above,

I softly said, "Good morning, Lord,

Bless everyone I love."

And right away I thought of you

And said a loving prayer,

That He would bless you specially,

And keep you free from care.

I thought of all the happiness

A day could hold in store;

I wished it all for you,

because No one deserves it more.

You are all sooooo special !

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !





Anonymous said...

I am afraid I still colour my hair ,and the lines I earned  every one lol ,have a good day with your Dad and give him my weekly hug tell him from Jan in the UK Jan xx

Anonymous said...

maybe that is why you hsould dye your hair. If only to look in the mirror and give you a boost. whats the eyes behold is whats int he mind they say. So maybe if it makes you look younger you will feel younger and think younger. Yes you can get that OLD feeling now and then. and your right 20 years fly by

Anonymous said...

Have a relaxing day with Dad... hope he is feeling like his "old self" soon... and I kinda like my gray highlights, lol...
Linda :)

Anonymous said...

I suspect that I will always color my hair.  Unless it turns a lovely silvery white when I'm older.  That would be ok. Hope you have a good day with your Dad.  

Anonymous said...

We all have our feeling old days. It's what we feel inside that matters. Some night, in bed....away from mirrors.....ask yourself how old you are (saw this on TV). My answer was 35. So, no matter what the mirror says, I'm 35. : )


Anonymous said...

Some days I feel very old and then other days I feel young.  Although the "YOUNG" days are getting fewer and farther between.