Monday, August 7, 2006


Dream Big

If there was ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something worth doing,

IT IS NOW. Not for any grand cause, necessarily...but for something that tugs at your heart, something that's your inspiration, something that's your dream. You owe it to yourself to make your days here count.

HAVE FUN. DIG DEEP. STRETCH. DREAM BIG. Know, though, that things worth doing seldom come easy. There will be good days. And there will be bad days. There will be times when you want to turn around, pack it up, and call it quits. Those times tell you that you are pushing yourself, that you are not afraid to learn by trying.

PERSIST. Because with an idea, determination, and the right tools, you can do great things. Let your instincts, your intellect, and your heart, guide you.

TRUST. Believe in the incredible power of the human mind. Of doing something that makes a difference. Of working hard. Of laughing and hoping. Of lazy afternoons. Of lasting friends. Of all the things that will cross your path this year. The start of something new brings the hope of something great.

ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE There is only one you. And you will pass this way only once. Do it right. ....

Author Unknown

Good Morning !

Back to work today ! Another new week and I’m looking at the calendar and seeing nothing but work ahead…

I had DS#5 and his wife for dinner yesterday as his birthday is on Wednesday. It made it easier to have them over on Sunday rather than after work on Wednesday. This way he’ll have a double celebration. I’m sure they’ll be doing something special then.

I have lots of leftovers in the fridge so I won’t have to cook any this week. I sent some home with them too !

I guess I better put on the ***BIG SMILE*** and get my self off to work ! Where oh where, did that weekend go???

Thought for today

As one grows older one should grow more expert at finding beauty in unexpected places, in deserts and even in towns, in ordinary human faces and among wild weeds.


May your day be blessed with a few smiles and lots of sunshine to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

ah I tell you that was sweet donating his hair

Anonymous said...

looks like a nice birthday cake. How wonderful that he donated his hair. I love that. I have short hair so I can't do that. Hope you had a great Monday.