Wednesday, August 9, 2006


Lessons from the Butterfly

Let go of the past…

Trust the future…

Embrace change…

Come out of the cocoon…

Unfurl your wings…

Dare to get off the ground….

Ride the breezes….

Savor the flowers….

Put on your brightest colors…

Let you beauty show…


Yesterday I mentioned that I’d let you know what surprise or two happened . (there is always one or two coming my way )

 #1 I got an e-mail from DS#2 . He’s been deployed overseas now for several months and I hadn’t heard from him in a loooong time. That was a blessing !

 # 2 My #1 boss pulled in the parking lot just ahead of me when I got to work.. That was totally a surprise. He never appears before 9:00 in the morning, unless he is leaving for a trip. At 7:15 my #2 boss appeared…he never comes in before 9 either. I didn’t know what to think. As it turned out they were working on a bid that had togo out and needed the extra time to get it done.

We just never know what a new day may bring. I for one am thinking only ‘happy thoughts’ - ***BIG SMILE***


May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun

And find your shoulder to light on,

To bring you luck, happiness and riches

Today, tomorrow and beyond.

~Irish Blessing

AND… May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !





Anonymous said...

beautiful town you have there
wow that looked like along line waiting to go to the slide

Anonymous said...

that slide sure does look like a lot of fun! I love your town square~ wish we had one too... :)  hope your day  is happy with lots of smiles, Sandra

Anonymous said...

love the pictures and how nice that you heard from DS2. Hope your week is going good so far.