Tuesday, August 15, 2006



honest enough to admit all my shortcomings;

brilliant enough to accept flattery without it making me arrogant;

tall enough to tower above deceit;

strong enough to treasure love;

brave enough to welcome criticism;

compassionate enough to understand human frailties;

wise enough to recognize my mistakes;

humble enough to appreciate greatness;

staunch enough to stand by my friends;

human enough to be thoughtful of my neighbor;

and righteous enough to be devoted to the love of God

Author Unknown


It rained a little on and off last night, but today the weather is supposed to be nice. We really needed a good soaking rain, but didn’t get it.

I noticed that when I left for work yesterday morning it was darker than usual. The days are definitely getting shorter. Soon we’ll be saying good bye to summer, but not yet…

Sitting out on the patio in the evening has become a delight. We have a chorus singing every evening…frogs,crickets, etc. It is a soothing song they sing.

It’s hard to believe that August is half way over. Time does fly when you’re having fun.


There's always room for improvement, you know--it's the biggest room in the house.

Louise Heath Leber

May your day be blessed with a few smiles and lots of sunshine to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

we had some rain last night no tmuch. I wish we would get a good heavy one

Anonymous said...

It poured here all day yesterday I am happy to say.  Yes, the nights are definitely drawing in, quite noticeable now.  How quickly the time goes.


Anonymous said...

Hey there.  It's dark when I leave in the mornings.  I don't notice a difference though b/c I just started leaving early.  The sun has just come up when I arrive at work.
Our temps are down to mid 60's tonight.  That is so nice too.
I need to go stick my head out the door and see what it feels like.

Anonymous said...

hard to believe that summer is almost over. I go back to work on Friday then it's a long year, but most of the time I like it a lot.