Tuesday, May 30, 2006


If someone hurts you, betrays you,

or breaks your heart, forgive;

for that person has helped you learn about trust

and the importance of caution.

If someone loves you, love back unconditionally;

that one is teaching you to love.

Make every day count.

Appreciate every moment and take from those moments

everything that you possibly can,

for you may never be able to experience it again.

Talk to people that you have never talked to before --

and actually listen.

Let yourself fall in love, break free,

and set your sights high.

Hold your head up because you have every right to.

Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself,

for if you don't believe in yourself,

it will be hard for others to believe in you.

You can make of your life anything you wish.

Create your own life and then go out

and live it with absolutely no regrets.

Most importantly, if you love others, tell them,

for you never know what may come tomorrow.

 And learn a lesson in life each day you live.

unknown author

Good Morning !

It’s back to work, but it’ll be a short week as it’s already TUESDAY !

Now that Memorial Day is past , Summer is definetly here. Our weather has really warmed up…hot and humid days are here. Yesteday morning I woke up to 78 degrees in my house and by 3 o’clock in the afternoon it was 82. The temp outside was in the 90’s. I refused to turn on the a/c yet, but I did turn on the fans. I’ve got 3 ceiling fans and a counter fan in the kitchen that ciruculate the air pretty well.

Today the house will be all closed up while I’m at work so hopefully it’ll stay pretty decent inside. We’ll see when I get home. I just want some nice days with fresh air coming in the windows. After being all closed up for the winter, I don’t want to close up the house for the summer too ! It’s a good thing I got all the summer clothing out and ready to wear – It’s light weight clothing and sandles weather for sure.


I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.

Douglas Noel Adams

I hope your day is filled with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !




Anonymous said...

I hate turning on the air so soon too but whilst we were gone on vacation I was afraid it would get too hot for the kitties in our house. It was 90's and hotso I turned it on but it is suppose to cool down so I may turn it back off in a day or so after we finished getting the camper and all set up

Anonymous said...

we turned our air on because its so humid.... couldn't stand it and now its like winter again in the house... we will be getting cooler weather in a day or so though and I hope less humid too. I love it when the windows can stay open too. hope you have a good week!  Sandra

Anonymous said...

I'm shivering in temperatures hovering around 12C, the sun is playing hide and seek and the wind is cutting; having got that of me chest, the weather men tell us we are finally looking forward to something closer to summer, in the next few days. I'll believe them when it happens - always the pessimist lol. Take care. Hugs.
Sylvia xxx

Anonymous said...

Yes, sometimes if I shut the blinds and windows on the South side of the house, it stays cooler. : )


Anonymous said...

We did turn on the AC, it gets to hot in here.  

Anonymous said...

Have a nice short week!
I only work Tuesday and Thursday, so very short...
Linda :)