Thursday, May 25, 2006


Until you have learned to be tolerant

with those who do not always agree with you;

until you have cultivated the habit

of saying some kind word of

those whom you do not admire;

until you have formed the habit

of looking for the good instead of

the bad there is in others,

you will be neither successful nor happy.

Napoleon Hill


A little warmer yet here today and a few showers are promised too !

When I was growing up, my mom, a very wise lady, always told me that I was never to think I was any better or worse than any one else. We were all created equally in God’s love. Sometimes that’s a hard thing to remember.

When a noisy car goes down my street and the vibrations rattle my windows, I’m not thinking about this person being one of God’s creations…When a rude driver cuts in front of me and makes me put on the brakes, I’m not thinking much of him either. So often it’s easy to loose track of exactly who we are !

I guess that’s the importance of starting your day off right. A little prayer or two never did any harm.

One of my favorites that I say every day going out the drive way is

Angel of God

My guardian dear

To whom God’s love

Commits me here

Ever this day be at my side

To light and guard

To rule and guide

The other is

Lord please watch over my babes this day’

And of course I’d be lacking if I didn’t say

Thy will be done Lord’

Today is Thursday, but It’ll seem like Friday as my 4 day weekend starts after work today ! It sounds wonderful , but we’ll see…


I always prefer to believe the best of everybody — it saves so much time.

Rudyard Kipling

May your day be blessed with a few SMILES and lots of SUNSHINE to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

yeah its hard to believe we are all equal when one cuts us off like that. But I have at times accidentaly almostcut over ina lane nextto me so Itry think of it that way though now days it seems like road rages have taken the control far too often.

Anonymous said...

I say the Angel of God prayer every day too.... I guess since I learned it as a little girl... :) It's a good one. I hope your day goes fast so you can get on with the long week end.... Sandra