Thursday, May 18, 2006


Our lives are made up of a million different ways.

Some are spent searching for love, peace, and harmony.

Others are spent surviving day by day.

But there are no greater moments than that life,

with all it's joys and sorrows,

is meant to be lived one day at a time.

It's in this knowledge that we discover

the most wonderful truth of all.

Whether we live in a forty room mansion,

surrounded by servants and wealth,

or find it a struggle to manage the rent month to month

we have it within our power to be fully satisfied

and live a life with true meaning.

One day at a time we have that ability,

through cherishing each moment and rejoicing in each dream.

We can experience each day anew,

and with this fresh start we have what it takes

to make all our dreams come true.

Each day is new, and living one day at a time

enables us to truly enjoy life and live it to the fullest.

Author Unknown


It's another drippy one here in northern Ohio !  I'm working very hard to find a ***BIG SMILE*** today.  It seemed my head barely touched the pillow and that alarm clock went off saying it was time to get up again !

I will be getting a hair cut after work this evening, so maybe that'll put a little bounce back into this old body.  Sometimes it helps to perk me up...we'll see.

Yesterday, the sun popped in and out for awhile, then by evening we had somemore storms move in our area.  Before the storms the neighborhood seemed alive with lawn mowers, everyone is trying to catch up with the grass that is growing faster than  anything.


Life is like a garden

And friendship like a flower

That blooms and grows in beauty

With the sunshine and the shower

Helen Steiner Rice

May your day be blessed with a few smiles and lots of sunshine to warm your heart!





Anonymous said...

yeah some bad storms came tru last night man Im telling you it stinks this weather does and makes it hard to keep on yard chores and I have to with the anniversary party here sunda

Anonymous said...

hope the day goes fast for you and the sun comes out to brighten it a bit... I know how these dreary days can put a damper in things. Sandra

Anonymous said...

We are having similar weather. The sun came out yesterday for a time but it wasn't really warm and today it's overcast and then sunny (back and forth). My allergies are driving me nuts but I keep hoping that after all of this rain, the dry weather will clear them up a bit.


Anonymous said...

I hoped getting your haircut helped you smile. We had rain for about 5 days straight in IL. We actually saw the sun today. Yeah. lol

Anonymous said...

Hair cuts perk me up too.  LOL