Thursday, May 11, 2006


Courage begins when we can

admit that there is no life

without some pain, some frustration;

that there is no tragic accident to which we are immune;

and that beyond the normal exercise of prudence

we can do nothing about it.

But courage goes on to see

that the triumph of life is not in pains avoided,

but in joys lived completely in the moment

of their happening.

Courage lies in never taking so much

as a good meal or a day of health

and fair weather for granted.

It lies in learning to be aware

of our moments of happiness

as sharply as our moments of pain.

We need not be afraid to weep

when we have cause to weep,

so long as we can really rejoice

at every cause for rejoicing.

Victoria Lincoln


Our sunny weather left us last night and rain is predicted yet today. They say it will be cool side for the next 7 days sooo…. I’ll be wearing a sweater and putting the sandles away for awhile yet. We do need the rain so I can’t complain.


Remember, No matter how bad it seems at the time, It shall pass in a few moments,

And..... A Smile is simply a frown upside down...

So, stand on your head and look in the mirror...

Once you see how silly you look... a frown turns into Smile...

May your day be blessed with a few smiles and lots of sunshine to warm your heart !



Anonymous said...

Well, we lost our much needed rain and now we have a mini-heatwave!!!! Got quite brown in the sun yesterday.  Hoping it does not change for the weekend as it usually does and that it will be nice for the Christening.

Anonymous said...

ah but cant we have it in a day or two  not for several days. ????????  What kind of cat food was it you used the name kind ande a pic of it if you can.

Anonymous said...

may your day be blessed too. Yep we have had rain rain rain so far this week with more to come. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I've become quite addicted to your morning devotional thoughts... thank you for starting my day off on a good foot with the Lord!

Anonymous said...

It's cold and damp here. Tomorrow big thunderstorms are predicted. I hope the lights stay on.
