Saturday, April 8, 2006


We all get heavier as we get older because there's a lot more information in our heads. So I'm not fat, I'm just really intelligent and my head couldn't hold any more so it started filling up the rest of me!

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Before I knew the best part of my life had come, it had gone.

Asleigh Brilliant


When I first read the quote above , I thought ‘How true’. But after I thought about it, I realized that I still have hope that the best part is still ahead.

Yes, I loved being a Mom and having 7 little ones at home, and yes, I loved being a wife blessed with a wonderful husband, but there is still today and it’s not over yet…It could be the best part of my life!

Life is so full of surprises and I believe in a God that is good, kind and loving. I know He has lots of those better things in store for me yet.

Thought for today:

A smile is a gift that warms the heart

May your day be filled with a few smiles and a little sunshine to warm your heart.



The cartoon and joke were forwarded to me via e-mail

and the Easter Graphics are by;



Anonymous said...

It's true, we never know what's in store for us in the future. Have a great weekend! Jeannette.  

Anonymous said...

yeah hope I get to the better part soon Im not so happy with kids leaving under my wings right now