Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Smile more often!

Give someone a hug!

Praise someone for doing a job well done!

These are the little things that can

make a big difference in a person's life.

Do you notice that they are all free?

They are free to give and free to receive.

This just gives you another reason

to SMILE, hug and praise more!

Mary Shaw


Yesterday I was moaning about going off to work, but it turned out to be a really nice day. The piles on my desk are once again gone and today I’ll be able to do what I usually do on Tuesday -- Data Entry…boring, but easy. Lots of reports come out of all the stuff I enter in so in the long run it really pays to get it all entered.

***BIG SMILE ***


A glad heart makes a cheerful countenance, but by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken.

Proverbs 15:13

Your SMILE makes my day!

I Love you all !



Anonymous said...

I had this job once whree I had to enter pay roll checks in a computer program. then I had to take a stack of payroll checks in a big room full of ntohing but drawers and enter them inthe file with corresponding numerical order. Now since this was a hug cooperation (vavoline oil) there were litterally 1000s of checks. reptitive and boring. lol

Anonymous said...

So glad that your day went well.

Anonymous said...

happy that you ended up having a good day at work. Yep I love your free stuff. I love getting compliments as well as giving them.

Anonymous said...

I used to like data entry on some days. It's like a day off. LOL!