Friday, September 2, 2005

Finally Friday !

  Good Morning ! 

Smiles make a way for more things to smile about.

Smiles say, "Look at me, I'm worth it."

Smiles turn frowns upside down and chase away the grumpies.

Smiles are instant pick me ups.

Smiles are contagious.

Smiles make others believe.

Smiles make your eyes sparkle and your dreams come true.

Smiles are great stepping stones to great things.

smile ! Make somebody's day today


I am smiling - It's Friday and a long 3 day weekend ahead.  I've been so overwhelmed with all that's been happening with Son#2 and his family this week, I know I haven't written of much else.  We can get really down about all this if we let it happen.  So I'm smiling and taking a positive outlook this morning.  God is watching out for them and you and me too !  Make the most of today !


May God the Father Bless you all !


When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider:  God has made the one as well as the other. Therefore, a man cannot discover anything about his future.

Ecclesiastes 7:14


sunflower graphics by:


Anonymous said...

ah this has been the LONGEST week. So glad when today is done and over!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.  
Pray for Hubby and PreTeen as they go on their canoe trip...I worry about them.  The leave Sat morning and will be gone all day.  