Tuesday, September 27, 2005


The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry's cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.

The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I'll put a trinket on.

Emily Dickinson


Good Morning


This little poem just makes you want to dress for fall !  It’ll be cooler this week and just maybe I’ll put the summer clothing away – finally.  The browns, oranges, and scarlet colors of fall are inviting

I know I’ve put a few more pounds on so I’m hoping things still fit

I was put to shame at the wedding reception we went to last weekend.  Several ladies my age were there looking like slim teenagers.  I’m getting to be a round and comfy, grand ‘ma’.  I’d like to know how they do it!

Guess it’s not one of my priorties – looking thin that is.

Happy Tuesday !







 sunflowers by:  


Anonymous said...

ah I tell you I put all my winter clothes out and summer up. Im rushing fall in for usre.
I think you look fine just like you are.

Anonymous said...

Been skinny most of my life, but middle age changed that. Don't know the reasons. I'm now a "rounded" person, with a few extra tyres. Guess we will have to put with it. Being happy is more important than being thin.