Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Half way through the week already !


Smile-God loves you, why the frown?
Keep your face from sagging down.
Lift your eyes up to the sky
Give your thanks to Him on high!

He will wash away your blues
You don't have a thing to lose.
Just remember how you're blessed.
He will ony give you the best!!

Keep your spirits always light.
Through the day and all the night.
Smiles are not only for you-
They help others who are blue



It's Wednesday already ! WOW !

This should be a quick day at work and a busy one

I hope you all have a Grand day!

And remember if you smile at someone - someone will smile back !




Even though God is the wind beneath your wings,

 you still have to do a lot of flapping.

Brian Cavanaugh


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Anonymous said...

Happy hump day.!!!!!!!!!!! Middle of the week

Anonymous said...

Oh, thanks for the entry today.  I am going to go now and flap my wings and see if I can make a difference!