Monday, March 6, 2006



The well-known maxim,

"While there is life there is hope,"

has a deeper meaning in reverse:

"While there is hope there is life."

Hope comes first, life follows.

Hope gives power to life.

Hope rouses life to continue,

to expand, to grow, to reach out, to go on.

Hope sees a light where there isn't any.

Hope lights candles in millions of despairing hearts.

Hope is the miracle medicine of the mind.

It inspires the will to live.

Hope is the physician's strongest ally.

Hope is man's shield and buckler against defeat.

"Hope," wrote Alexander Pope,

"springs eternal in the human breast."

And as long as it does man will triumph and move forward.

Hope never sounds retreat.

Hope keeps the banners flying.

Hope revives ideals,

renews dreams, revitalizes visions.

Hope scales the peak,wrestles with the impossible,

achieves the highest aim.

"The word which God has written on the brow of every man,"

wrote Victor Hugo, "is Hope."

 As long as man has hope no situation is hopeless.

Wilferd A.Peterson


Our weather man was predicting some snow overnite, but there is no new snow out there this morning.  About Wednesday it's supposed to start warming up and by Saturday we may reach 60 degrees!  YaHoo!

On My List For Lent

Give up discouragement——be full of hope

So often we get discouraged, tired of trying and doing, but the good Lord gives us hope for a brighter tomorrow…and so we keep on trying and doing.

May you be blessed with a few smiles and a little sunshine to warm you heart today !


Thought for today --

Hope begins in the dark,

the stubborn hope that if you

just show up and try to do the right thing,

the dawn will come.

You wait and watch and work:

You don't give up

Anne Lamott



Anonymous said...

OH so looking forward to the new wamr up and may it stay

Anonymous said...

Good morning.  Hope you have a wonderful Monday.  

Anonymous said...

we had snow last night and it's still snowing pretty heavy this morning..... Guess I will be staying in today unless I get out and shovel... have a good day! Sandra

Anonymous said...

have a wonderful Monday!
