Thursday, August 25, 2005

'Thankfully' Thursday


Many times we fail to see
the blessings in our lives...
we're so caught up in "living"
we forget to realize,

that all our days are numbered
and each moment is a loan...
we can't relive it's contents
and the outcome is unknown.

Only God can grant us
one minute or the next...
it's ours to live it wisely
and ours to do our best.

Remember to be thankful
for the gift of time today...
and when this day is over,
no regrets will come your way


  Another very cool morning!  It will  warm up into the 80's here today ! But cool this morning! It's been almost perfect weather! What a blessing!   


I'm wishing you a day that's filled with Sunshine

and hopefully lots of fun!


***Big Smile***  




Anonymous said...

Yeah, only one more work day until we can sleep late and hang out in our pj's til noon.  LOL.

Anonymous said...

I could really use a day of sunshine and fun. My mom who needs to not be working and was suppose to have retired went and got part time job. This is going to make her alzhiemers worse faster. Then hubby got his notice yesterday at work. It was a dirty deal too and everyone is appaled not on ly at the deal but at the way they have been talking to him of late and treating the other workers. Its a small business and "FAMILY" owned adnthe family touts to be "Christians" but they act the total opposite. Hubby has tried to have bible studies there but they want to watch gross movies instead he tried to do a bible series and instead they wanted to watch a movie they had seen 20 times. He even had to show them how to use a concordance. They have been in church for thier whole lives so they say. That with all else going on in my life I just really could use prayer if you dont mind.