Friday, August 19, 2005


  A Middle East legend tells of a sparrow lying on its back with its legs up in the middle of a road. Along comes a horseman who, seeing the sparrow, dismounts and asks, "Why are you lying here on your back in the middle of the road?"

"Because I have heard that the heavens will fall today."
"I see. And you think you can hold them up with those spindly legs of yours?"
And the bird answers: "One must do what one can." 


Blessed be the teachers. They do what they can, and then they do more than they can. Amalgams of scholars, mentors, counselors, coaches, traffic controllers, and baby-sitters, they march in the company of secular saints. May their tribe thrive and multiply

  from the Old Farmers Almanac 


  It's back to school time for many including 4 of my grandchildren who are students, and one son, two daughters in law and one sister that are teachers.  We just have to be thankful for these wonderful people teaching our children.  When you think about all they need to know it's a little overwhelming !    

  I'm looking forward to restful weekend.  After the last two weeks I feel as though I can't get enough sleep. 

Have a Great FRIDAY !  



 Like soft wax on which every tiniest pressure leaves a mark, so the child is responsive to every stimulus that plays upon his imagination, his emotions, his instincts and his ideas.  

John Paul II 





Anonymous said...

AH i miss homeschooling so much. Rachael graduated and my job is done. Im so not ready for this stage. I wantto be teaching.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and my PreTeen has her first test of the year today.
Neat that you have teachers in your family.  To be a teacher is a blessing, I think.  Love that Mississippi babe of yours.  Looks excited to be going to school.
yeahhhhhhhhhhhh it is Friday........we can rest tomorrow.
Have a good one.