Monday, June 20, 2005




Let's face it, there are mornings when we would love to slip even further under the covers; there's no way we can face the world with a cheerful look today.

There is a story about the king who wanted to win his fair lady but he had a cruel and hard face. He consulted a friend who told him he must have kind thoughts and do kind deeds. The friend made a wax mask for him that showed him to be kind. Each day the king tried to be more loving and gentle until it was finally a part of him, and he won both subjects and his lady. He no longer needed the mask.

So let us smileanyway and the world will smile back. 

It's Monday again - Rise and Shine!

I've a long 10 hour day ahead and that makes it all the harder to get out and get going this morning !  Then I have to go to the dentist after work - Oh wow ! What a day it's going to be ...I'll have to work real hard and my attitude !

I am thankful that I've a job and my health is good and I can work

So I'll SMILE anyway !!!

Count your blessings - not your troubles !

God Bless Your Day




Anonymous said...

OH man I am not ready for MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope your day was not too long and the dentist trip goes well - as well as dentist trips go.  You reminded me.  I have a dental appt. Thursday.